Remake 2x2 Banklock

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by LD, May 30, 2011.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    2x2 Banklock
    A Warlock Reamke out of 2x2 Banks only
    by LD


    "Oh wow! Tz challenges everyone to make a map out of 2x2 Banks!"
    "Who is Tz and what are 2x2 Banks?" It was a sunny monday afternoon, when my girlfriend (the pink text, because she is a girl and her hair is pink) and I (the blue text, you know, because I'm all manly and ****, but I don't have blue hair ..) sat in the garden, enjoying the sun, when I read the latest Site Update including Tz's challenge to build a map out of 2x2 Banks only. So I had to explain who Tz is and what exactly 2x2 Banks are, and that we sat there, thinking of things to build .. "You could make a giant 2x2 Bank out of 2x2 Banks" "You could make me a sandwich" "You can go **** youself" "A giant Bank would be way to easy, I want to make a playable map, so I have to use a lot of natural geometry" "Wouldn't that be boring? That would just be landscape with some Banks, why don't you remake one of your maps?" "Hm, Dreamcatcher would be the only one that could work, but the original was already really cluttered so I don't think 2x2 Banks would work very good" "Why don't you remake Warlock, just make it a little smaller, I'm sure that would look cute and everyone would get the 'OMG its Warlock!' effect" "Exactly that is the reason why I'm going to ****ing marry you one day!"

    One of the most important things when it comes down to Remakes, is the right scale.
    One of the things that I totally didn't care about when it came down to build Banklock, was the right scale.

    All structures are very small, the map itself is only playable with 2 people, any additional people would be even more insane. But even though everything is small and made out of 2x2 Banks, I tried to put as much detail in it as possible.
    In this picture you can see one of the bases, there is blue base, red base and the other two bases. They share the same layout, so there is no reason for me to show you the other ones in deatil.
    As you can see, the back part of the bases had to be cut out, I replaced it with a Bank that allowes you to jump to the structure in front of the base.

    Those structures are high enough to allow a player to walk underneath them, like in the original Warlock, but you are not able to jump on top of them from the ground, you have to use the ramps or the back base bank thing.

    This also applies to bottom mid, you can't jump up there from the ground, but you can walk underneath it.
    The middle structure had to be changed a lot in order to make it work like the original one.

    The teleporters, the lights and the health packs are the only ingame objects apart from 2x2 Banks, other than that I only used a spawn camera, save and kill zones and spawns.

    You all know Warlocks boundaries, if you leave them, you'll die immediately.
    I used soft killzones in the earlier versions, but people tended to leave the map fpr 5 seconds, just to jump back into the map from the other side.

    2x2 Banklock is the worst map I've ever hade, but it is also the one I'm the most proud of ♥
  2. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
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    Holy cow. I knew when this challenge was given, some really interesting maps would come out of it. For the restrictions that 2 x 2 banks create, there is a lot of detail and the smaller size isn't really an issue. Making a 1v1 version of warlock is a great idea. Making it out of 2x2 banks only is freaking ridiculous, in a good way.

    I'm very impressed, great creativity.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    If this map wasn't made under these circumstances right now I'd be telling you that it was absolutely awful, but since it's not just any map it's pretty damn good. Kudos on the idea of remaking a map aswell
  4. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    when i first saw this i thought WTF is a mlg map doing in the casual section? MLG jokes aside, this looks realy fun! If there is any 2x2 banks left could you make a larger wall around the map because me jumping into the map would go something like this " ooo new map! hey there's a wall im gonnal jump over it! WTF (why the fork) did i just die!!!! motherforker!" congrats on making the most of a crazy chalenge!
    this is my 101th post! wooo!
  5. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Hmmm not as good as mine (lol jkjk), but still great. Awesome idea remaking a map out of 2x2 banks.

    My only concerns are that someone on top middle could see the whole map, and that the spawns could be, well, dangerous. But I suppose thats what you get for making a map out of only one piece.

  6. HiddenForger

    HiddenForger Forerunner

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    2x2 Bankwarlock is epic from only 2x2s. It looks like it was hard to remake. +rep
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I <3 you.
    But my creation is truly original, and it plays Flag!

    Really good work though, I didn't think anybody would actually remake something.
  8. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    Amazing what people can do with those banks, isn't it. Also, the paragraph was a little, um... weird.
  9. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I think i will also compete in this contest for the laughs :) who knows though maybe i can figure out something interesting to submit atleast this one shouldnt take me a couple months to make like most of my current maps lol, This map however is extremely creative its nice that you actually took the chance and made a fan favorite remake for this contest and it seems to have turned out really well Im going to give this a download could be a ton of laughs and fun for sure send me a invite if your going to test this map soon :)
    #9 Silentraine, Jun 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011

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