
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Caucasian Invasion, May 31, 2011.

  1. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Hello all! and welcome to my map Volt.
    I was inspired to make a small 1v1 that uses unique forge pieces, thanks to the great map Tayari. Thanks Paranoia UK for inspiring me to make a map like this. Paranoia built majority of his map with 2x2 banks, but i used the bottom side of brace, tunnels which i think has a nice clean greyish/white look. To keep my maps interesting i always use a mixture of 2 colors. This map i stuck to Yellow and blue. While making my map i also decided to keep the top floor as an "more exclusive" area, because theire is only 1 way to get their.

    Also thank you to BenjaFriend and XCHOCSALTYBALLS for helping me test!

    2 dmrs - 30 sec- 0 clips
    2 ar's - 30 secs
    1 spiker - 180 - 1 clip
    1 sniper rifle - 180 secs - 0 spare clips
    1 shotgun - 180 secs - 0 clips

    Whole map

    Broken bridge-

    Larger shot of broken bridge area. (and no you cannot reach that falcon. Much like the one on rats nest)

    Center plaza



    Please tell me what u guys think!
    #1 Caucasian Invasion, May 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Looks like a great map. I like the secluded area with the falcon. Although the broken bridge does not look realistic, we get the idea. I also like how you mixed a bunch of idea and textures, which normally doesn't look good, but I think you pulled it off. Also the location of the map has a good view. Nice job.
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a very nice map you have here. The layout is quite unique. Asymmetrical maps are hard to pull off, but I think you did extremely well. There are a lot of interesting textures, and contrary to what SquidMan said, I think your bridge looks great, given what pieces you have to work with. Although I'd maybe suggest either replacing the 2x1 flats with a Brace, Large on the map side or the Brace, Large with 2x1 flats on the Falcon side just to keep continuity.

    Speaking of the bridge, it feels like a good place to put a power weapon on the end. It's very open and there's danger of being knocked off the edge, so I think a risk vs. reward scenario would work well there.

    All that being said, I feel like the map is somewhat incomplete. All the geometry is there, but it just needs a little more life. My quick answer to this: crates. If you don't have enough, just switch some over from the Falcon side and place them in strategic corners. Crates really do go a long way to help brighten up a map.
  4. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    HMMMMMMM,,, very interesting when you look at this map at first i was all like what the hell are those that make up the floor lol. then i spotted the broken bridge looks cool and players will get then hint.hell even the spot where that map is, is a new one i am going to DL and give it a good run. keep up the unique, good work!
    #4 shi11tenshi, May 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2011
  5. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    this looks great, i love the change in pieces. everyones maps are looking so similar but this... this is sexy right down to the location. keep it up!
  6. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks squid. ya i was debating whether to make a symetrical or asymetrical map, but it think i made the right choice. I had to make do with what i had for the bridge. i was running low on so many pieces so i kept it really simple, as long as people get the point as you stated. Thanks again man.

    Thanks titan i really understand what you are saying. im glad you like the look of my map, and i would defnetly put a ton more detail into my bridge if i had the materials and the budget. Good idea with the power weapon on the end of the bridge, i guess i just never thought of it :/ Maybe some crates would liven up the map who knows, thanks for the feedback, i appreciate it.

    Thanks for the Dl shi11tenshi, im glad you enjoy the look and feel of the map! The main idea when i was creating this map, was to make it unique, so thanks for noticing that.

    Thanks tom, seriously i realllly appreciate it. Your always a great supporter of my maps, and I did want to give it a sexy location, so i figured that cliff was a really beatuiful spot, and was almost never used. Thanks again.

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone! im glad you all like it! i always appreciate more feedback and comments so thanks!
  7. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    May i suggest if budget permits to maybe make the bridge like a draw bridge/ just add a xl or large platform bridge at 60 degrees instead of the columns
  8. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    Looks like an awesome map. I like what you have going with the Brace Larges there. I also like the "water"(I think that's what the rocks are supposed to be in) and the broken bridge. Your use of the natural geometry is really cool, too. The only complaint I have is that the bridge could maybe be a little better looking, budget-permitting.
  9. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    love the map. its good sized and is deep in structure. the checkerboard wall is a unique part of the map. im guessing the volted ground kills you right? correct me if im wrong.

    map rating: 8.3/10
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love the brace, tunnel, it is one of my favorite pieces in my maps, though I use them for cover usually. What's great here is the map just looks clean and right, like it is perfect where it is in FW. We need more maps like this, ones that come from the heart and truly reach their full potential. I haven't played it, but my initial perception is a 4.5-5/5. Great job!
  11. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Good idea pink i know what you mean. i actually did think about an idea like that, but then i thought i didnt want to make it so people jump off the edge of the bridge thinking they can reach the other side. I thought the broken bridge gave it a better look, but your idea is good to.

    Thanks pie! and yes that is suppose to be water lol. Im glad you like the shape and look of my map! I did feel as if my bridge wasnt up to its potential, but i was happy with it. Thanks again man.

    Thanks security. And if you are talking about the shield doors, then no they dont kill you. its actually a fun part of the map to fight on. The checkerboard walls took me a bit but i think they looked nice.
    thanks for the good rating!
  12. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Oh wow, I like what you did with the floor, it is very original and different and the location of the map is new as well. The falcon spot reminds me of the rat's nest spot in halo 3 and it adds some background that is a eye catcher. Your map may be small, but it surely looks like a easy map to follow and play on well done.
  13. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, first of all, why have I not seen this awesome looking map? Second, while the bridge may look cool, I feel the 2x2 flat are not the best blocks to be used there. Maybe try 2x4? Just a thought. Third, the water is a nice touch, but it's fake..You probably could have tried to forge the map in real water instead. Anyways, now onto the good stuff. First, I like that you got some inspiration, especially from one of my good friends and forger. Second, the creativity in this map is very good, probably your best yet. Third, I love that you tried to be different and make a map out of unique pieces and objects. It really shows you want to experiment more with your forging style and try to be more creative. I think this map shows you can forge some pretty good stuff, all you need is alittle more detail (Real water and better looking bridge.) Please note, none of the bad things I have said are meant to make you feel bad nor am I being mean. I'm simply giving suggestions to help you out. If you don't want my suggestions, tell me to stfu ;) Anyways, awesome map man. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
  14. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks sugar. Ya the look of the pelican on rats nest was the kinda look i was goin for, glad you like it. I also did chose that spot to build cuz it was so different and unique. And who doesnt want to be unique? Ya it is a small map, mainly for 2v2 but it could handle 3v3.

    Hah, thanks eightball glad you like it. I was thinkin a 2x4 at one point, but i didnt want to block off the room to walk under the bridge. I did try to build the map in the water, but i had such bad lighting on my blocks and stuff, so i just moved it to the cliffs. Ya paranoia UK is awesome, his designs are so awesome and different, therefore it inspired me to follow in his steps. Dont worry im never offended by critiscism, as long as its constructive, and yours clearly is, so thanks :) The upside-down brace tunnels will always remain in my forging style, because it looks so awesome imo, its already been implented into my next 2 maps, just not as much. Thanks again!
  15. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    The map layout is clever and unique. The broken bridge kinda doesn't look broken enough but overall a great looking map.

    One of the problems you might have is people trying to get to the falcon but ending up dying. Just a pointer.

    P.S. How did you get that texture on most of the ground!?
  16. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Great map. I suggest using the top of satellite antennae to make the broken bridge look more realistic.
  17. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks im glad u like the layout. I did have to improvise with the shape of the map due to the fact that is was built in the cliffs. and YES I KNOW THE BRIDGE ISNT SUPER REALISTIC. everyone is having a problem with this bridge, and i have no idea why, its really not a big deal lol. And anyone who honestly thinks they can make the jump to the falcon, is probably not right in the head, and if you try to jetpack, well sorry you die lol.
    Btw if you even read the beginning of my description you can clearly read that i made it out of upside-down brace tunnels. Seriously its not a long read dude. Thanks anyway i appreciate all feedback.

    I considered it, but i was running so low on decorative pieces, due to the fact that the floor of my entire map is decorative objects, so i kept it simple, and i think people get the point that it is a broken bridge, seriously its pretty obvious. But thanks for the Suggestion!
  18. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Sorry, i normally whizz through the text so fast i miss some things. I'll download and see if anybody will play on it with me. :)
  19. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the mention, Im glad I could help inspire. The map looks great, I shall Download and check it out in person. :)
  20. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Thanks paranoia i really appreciate the comment. Hope you enjoy the map and thanks for the inspiration :)

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