Vault (ucwutididthar?) The treasures from this hidden forerunner facility were hauled off long ago. 2-8 KotH highly recommended. This is my submission for Rho F's and Tz's 2x2 bank only competition. Thats right, only 2x2 banks. The only exceptions (that you can see while in custom games) are teleporter recievers, a custom powerup, flag stands, weapons, and a capture plate. Now I know what you are thinking, "how can a map made out of only 2x2 banks, the worst piece to forge with in the game, be any good gameplay-wise?" Well let me tell you, I havent gotten any seriously serious negative feedback yet, and I have tested this very extensively with nearly every gametype it is setup for. If you don’t believe me, believe the hype! Ask Eightball, JGarb, or Panic45 for the opinion of a few, because I cant remember the rest! Weapons List: DMRx2 NRx2 Concussion Rifle, 90 sec resp (i think), 1 extra clip Plasma Repeaterx2 ARx2 Magnumx2 Plasma Pistolx2 Plasma Grenadex2 Frag Grenadex2 Health Packx4 Lets get on with the pictures: Central Platform Semi-Overview Concussion Rifle spawn on Central Platform boss team-loadout cam IMO Each base has a weapon to the right and left of them: Red/Blue= DMR+NR, Green/Yellow=Plasma Repeater+AR Credits to: Rho Fs for starting the 2x2 bank competition Eightball, JGarb, Ociee, Panic45, Squidman33 and others for testing Greed Spoiler Greed is the mini-game variant of Vault based off of the idea from... somebody else's 2x2 bank map. The name of the game is that there is a safe haven on the main platform that gives you normal stats, if you go out of the main platform, you move at 50% speed, are white, and have a waypoint over your head. This is just to discourage players from going off the platform. Zombies are invisible with no AA's, so they have to use stealth to infect the humans, the only way for a human to survive is to stay with people with good eyesight, or have it himself. This gametype has been tested several times, proving fun for me each time, but some did claim it got boring after a while. Other than that the only difference from the Greed map and Vault is initial spawns, lights, and FX. Pictures: just imagine Vault with Purple and Next Gen FX. DL- Game: Here DL- Map: Here
LOL man very nice its fun to see people are really trying at this, we have to play this i want to see how it works. i am gald you gave it a good shot XD
This map was quite fun to battle on when we played on it. This is really a successful map considering the piece limitations. I think that the objective gametypes were the most fun on this map. Free-for-all Slayer with eight people was a bit hectic on this, but overall this was a really fun map.
this looks good, but there is 2 things. 1, you say you cannot use lights. there are some right in the bases. also, a few of the areas look too open, but that's just my opinion. still, see if you have any budget and items left. aside from those 2 things, this looks great! i will dl. btw, i am considering entering this contest myself. where is the thread 4 the contest? thnx =)
I remember Testing this, definitely had some fun gameplay. I loved how the map is in the shape of a star. The soft kill served its purpose well. But That infection game did not play well at all . But anyway nice job on this.
Hit me up on XBL: Th3 Equin0x. Yeah I was actually surprised at how well slayer played on this map, and by objective did you mean all or just KotH, cause I dont really recommend CTF or Stockpile due to unruly spawns. If just KotH, im not really surprised, because I kind of designed it to be almost specifically for it. Lights, teles, grav lifts (not man-cannons), spawns, objectives, and safe/ kill barriers are allowed. I have completely emptied out my inclines inventory, so no other pieces. Also, testing has proven that those empty areas are not a problem. The threads for info and submissions are in the Reach Forge Discussion Forum: Here. The due date has been moved to June 17th, though. Thnks you for your thoughts, but im sorry you feel that way about Greed. I found that the game didnt play as well as Garb's (I think) 2x2 bank map, but I suppose thats what you get for a side game made up to be, well, a side game, not the primary experience. I dont recommend it, no. As some people found the other team spawning in their base, despite all the measures I took. While you're playing slayer, try KotH or Crazy King, I would love to get another opinion.
Fun map for it's size and forge limitations. Gameplay was enjoyable and extremely hectic. Loved the overview of the map too, very creative and unique. Really solid and KOTH was awesome even though my team was rape..Am I allowed to say that? Anyways, good job on this one man.
Thanks, man. Your opinion as one of the most well known map-makers in FH means a lot to me. And your team in KotH wasnt so bad, you still got 2nd place