i respect your opinion on the death penalty but don't see any reason for there not to be a death penalty. i mean if some one is mentally ill and "dont know what they were doing" then throw em in the loony bin but some one who is just like hey i killed these people throw me i prison for life its better then a 3rd world country
I do believe that the death penalty should be used more often. Like you said, Americans are just paying for their criminals sentenced to life to rot in an iron and concrete room. And we can't just let them out. Imagine the consequences. ^ Spam post. I hate you.
That really sends chills down my spine to think someone could do that to another Human being let alone her own children is just twisted she should be locked away for life regardless of her mental state.
Dear.....****ing.....god. That is seriously deranged. I'd be traumatized if I ever discovered anything like that, especially if it was in my parent's house. I feel sorry for the son and daughter, who now have to deal with not only the discovery of the corpses (Which would be traumatizing enough in its own right) but with the fact that they were placed there by their own mother. It sounds as if she may have been suffering from severe post-partem depression. I've heard that this kind of thing is common with symptoms such as that-and the fact that they were apparently left there for so long only supports the idea that, even if it were not PPD, there is something seriously wrong with the woman. It may have been that the kids were illegitimate and she wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret, but it definitely seems more likely that something is/was wrong with her.
Wow. Imagine the mental scarring that has prob'ly begun to set it. How much did the father(s?) know about this? How much vomiting would occur from thinking about how every frozen food that you've eaten from that freezer had dead babies so close to it? If Germany truly doesn't have a death penalty, then multiple life sentences (one per baby) should be issued with no chance for parole. Lucky for her she wasn't here in Texas; she'd get the death penalty so fast her head would spin. Spin right off her undeserving body.
ZOMG wtf roflcopter that lady iz kewl lawl What really confuses me is why she kept them. These stories are really strange.
thats gross, even still i wonder what the babies looked like and whose going to pay for the older kids therapy
she hid them becuase shes a freak, it happens when people have really bad childhoods, like REALLY bad childhoods
lol well said im not sure if this is more ****ed up, or less ****ed up than that creepy ****er in NZ or AU or somewhere who had his daughter locked in a hidden room for her whole life where he tortured and raped her like every day that **** was ****ed some people need to just be eliminated from existence
don't not (loludoublenegative?) amuse chips, thats just a bad idea, you wouldn't like him when hes angry.