Introduction hey, NOKYARD here ...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NOKYARD, May 12, 2008.


    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hey, NOKYARD here...

    you may know me from speed runs such as Delta Halo Legendary No-Shot in 5:06 ...

    just kidding, that's my standard intro :)

    i am an admin at, long time member (and all-round F.K.I.A.) at the HIH forums, and the new resident Grifball arena builder

    i am not a noob (except in ranked MM)


    i am not interested in popularity, fame, download counts, forum status, belonging to any elite groups, and i may seem old fashioned, but i still believe respect is not appointed, nor demanded, nor indicated by little graphics around your avatar ... it is earned through your actions toward others and it is only as good as your last post

    i am very passionate when it comes to helping others have fun with the Halo Trilogy

    i came came to ForgeHub (by way of a suggestion from another member of the Halo community) to help others by taking my knowledge, and what i learn from you, and share it with others in an effort to help spread the most fun you can have while holding a 360's controller

    i do not forge in Foundry (except for Grifball) and instead attempt to create fun and interesting games based in the underused areas of all maps, using at least one unique feature, focusing on LAN type game play, not serious competition - so i release my maps 3 at a time as "the NOKYARD crew's 3 map LAN packs" because they are designed to be played in order, and with at least 7 friends (but not necessarily at a LAN)

    i will submit a few of my old games first to 'test the waters' in this community and see how it goes from there - i have a low tolerance for the general douchbaggery you see in most forums
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey and welcome to the wonderful world of forgehub.HIH is cool i go there sometimes but being an admin must be 1337.Grifball builder eh? Thats sounds...interesting.There are many good forgers here you can see their maps in the forums.There are about 1000 maps on here I think.Hope you'll stay a while and have fun.
    #2 Playerhata27, May 12, 2008
    Last edited: May 12, 2008

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    it's mostly hard work behind the scenes and not as fun as it sounds - i see a lot of people lusting after a mod or admin position, but when they get there the shine quickly wears off when they find out that it is a JOB, and not a party - they go into it thinking they will get instant respect, but most often they get bucketfuls of grief - lucky for me the speed running community is small, passionate and they tend to get along well with each other

    i have a strong stomach for politics and i knew going in it would be difficult to have my ideas accepted by a community well known for in-fighting and extremely opinionated members - but i also knew that my designs and builds were solid and that gave me the confidence to submit 'fixes' for two of their arenas - i was very surprised when one of their admins recognized my skills and allowed me to enhance their Someday Night Grifball arena, where the games are broadcast live on GamingTV (you won't find it there, they have yet to use the arena because they are in the playoffs right now)

    i will not be posting the official Grifball arenas here, but i can post the slide show i used to present the design to the Grifball admins - i think if i present it here people will think the wall is not very nice to look at and could have been fused better, but they have to understand that the focus of the wall is to be flat and straight without holes or perches, in this case form had to follow function - so far no one has found any places to stand other than the floor, and the wall can now be used as a consistent playing surface for hammer launches

    if that map is accepted by the Grifball community i am hoping they will also consider my standard arena, in which case it might end up in a Double EXP Grifball Weekend - you will not see any yootoob videos on how to get out of that arena - it's hard enough to find holes big enough to toss a grenade through - i'm not going to bore you guys with my other Grifball arenas, i think ForgeHub has seen enough of those
  4. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    I love me some grifball welcome to the site.
  5. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    Welcome to the site

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thank you

    and, above, when i said "submit 'fixes' for two of their arenas" i meant everything other than the re-spawns, bomb pick-up and bomb plant
  7. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know you seem like the most mature guy I have seen joining these forums in a while. (No offense new members.) I really hope you stick around we need people who put thought into their posts and contribute by helping others out best of luck in the future man.
  8. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub. Enjoy your stay, and I hope to see some of your maps going up soon. It's good to see another mature member joining the site (I mean no offense...this is the first time I've bothered looking at the introductions forum in some time.)

    And yeah....being a mod/admin isn't all it's cracked up to be. You tend to get blamed for most of the problems with a site.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i will post my old maps first because i still have some work to do on the Grifball maps

    i noticed that the guidelines state that i need to link to the maps forum post and i don't post there (see the last line of my first post) - is the direct link to the map in my File Share good enough?
  10. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That should work-be sure you also embed some screenshots (Take them in H3, then save them to your hard drive, upload them to a hosting site like photobucket and use the image tag in your post) as well as a detailed description of the map and/or maps you're posting. I suppose it's a tad strict, but it's a rule to ensure that we don't have floods of "HAI LUK AT MY MAP PLZTHX" posts that give no description whatsoever-and pictures help the more serious members judge how the map might play before downloading it to their already near-full live profiles.
  11. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Woah, thats like the first time I ever saw an intro so well written and laid out, i kinda feel like i know you alredy heh. Welcome to forge Hub, dont mind the little kids running around :p.
  12. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, i recognize your site, and sites mentioned. Thats cool that you helped worked on the grifball arena, i too, am a live broadcaster, i do it when ever i play halo piratically im also the one who was broadcasting during the forgehub -bnet humpday.

    Hope to see you around more often :)

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i am allergic to leet-speak
    i will try to stick to the format and include a teaser pic, a flickr slide show (or video if necessary) and a full description of the game/map - i will also include my forging notes at the end

    one of my games will have to break that format - it is a tactical assault game - all that is required is a transcript of Sarge's Mission Briefing - everything you need to know is in the briefing (i might make up some spy satellite photos to make it more interesting)
  14. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NOKYARD sorry to say this but you must post a link to your forum post on B net this rule is in place so people don't have to look through your File share to find the map. Yes most of us hate the B net forums but rules are rules.

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