Q/A Q: does this map look like a basketball court? A: uh, **** yeah it does!!! Q: can you pass A: nope, what kind of question is that Q: real basketball has a jump ball, this doesnt A: wrong Q: real basketball has out of bounds, this doesnt A: wrong again Q: this is the same as grifball A: hahaha.... Wrong Q: those nets look epic A: thats because they ****ing are epic Q: who deserves credit for this map A: well, the idea was jgarb's, but myself and washableMango build the map, jgarb did the gametype, mango did lots of the asthetics, i made the court and the rest of the arena Q: can i plz hav download link A: not yet
Yeah man, glad to see the preview up, this game is alot of fun. I aslo had alot of fun making this with you. Sad to see the video isn't embedding, or if you tried. It would help if it was. Other than that, can't wait to see the final thing posted. For the people who dont know; This map/gametype is like grifball with the goal 10ft in the air. The normal players have 110 jump and 90 gravity, and the ball carrier has 120 jump with 90 gravity. The ball carrier must jump and "dunk" the bomb into the goal. The plant/fuse time is instant, so that you score immediatly(like normal basketball) When you score, the bomb explodes, and kills anyone in the area(wich is very fun to watch) Then the ball/bomb resets immediatly to have continous and hectic fun. There is 2 rounds of 5 minutes, with a "halftime" and the sides switch. Hope you all enjoy and look for the upcomming official post of this map!
Lol, i cant embed videos using my ipod, i thought i did a pretty good job for not being able to do that tho Lol
All in due time Im revamping the jump ball mechanism for all you , it will now be an actual JUMP ball Look for mor pictures coming up too, if thats all right with jgarb
Ok so a little update for this map, i hope to have it drop sometime in the next two weeks, jackson and eightball have been working on the gametyoe, fine tuning it, and i believe tje map has been getting some asthetic touch ups right guys. Cant wait for it to be released tho