
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by NoobFly, May 29, 2011.

  1. NoobFly

    NoobFly Forerunner

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    This is my first post, so go easy on me.

    Pretermit is

    Why, Hello there, users of Forge Hub! How was your day? Just kidding, don't tell me.

    Pretermit is an asymmetric map built on Tempest, with a lot of aesthetic detail. I primarily built this for Slayer gametypes, but then I decided it should run all gametypes(except for Race and Invasion of course). It took a total of five months to complete this map. Inspiration came from Guardian, Lockout, and The Cage. You can see some parts are based off of these maps. It took FOREVER to set up all the gametypes, test them, and then fix any errors. There might still be a couple that I didn't catch, but I sat there testing for hours. I really hope you guys like this map, because it was a pain to make. A HUGE pain. Such a big pain that my fingers started bleeding from forging so much. Just kidding. That didn't happen. Anyway. I think the greatest challenge was setting up Stockpile, basically because we couldn't figure out where to put the flags to make the gameplay run smoothly. It turned out pretty well. The gameplay is fast paste and fun. And no, I'm not just complementing my own map. My mom thinks it's awesome! Anyway. I think you should download this map and play it. It's worth the click. And the other click. And turning on your Xbox. And etc. Have fun killing your friends in various ways.

    Budget left after finishing: 0$. Perfection!


    Rockets 1x-no spare clips, spawn time 180.
    Needle Rifle 2x-2 spare clips, spawn time 30.
    Plasma Grenades 4x-spawn time 15.
    Frag Grenades 2x-spawn time 15.
    Sniper Rifle 1x-1 spare clip, spawn time 180.
    Focus Rifle 1x-1 spare clip, spawn time 180.
    Spiker 1x-2 spare clips, spawn time 30.
    Shotgun 1x-1 spare clip, spawn time 80.
    Oversheilds 1x-Slayer specific, spawn time 180.
    I think that's it weapon wise.


    After thousands of years, this Forerunner facility still stands upon the vast stone pillars on which it was created.


    I thank Stopex for creating a blank canvas of Tempest, because I was too lazy to make one myself.

    I thank RandomGUITAR12 and UME4ever for helping me perfect gameplay and design.

    I thank Avenged Sevenfold for making such awesome music for me to listen to while I built this.

    I thank all my friends for entertaining me while I built this. It was very very VERY boring at times.

    I thank Bungie for making Halo: Reach. Without it, I would be stuck playing Black Ops all day.

    This screenshot is an over view of the map.
    This screenshot was taken from the center.
    This screenshot was taken from the bridge in front of red base.
    This screenshot was taken inside green base.
    This screenshot is a complete over view including spawning.

    That is all.

    <3 Legendary Forgers.

    Also, if you would like to join my small group of forgers, join my XBL party some time. We would love to judge your map and crush your self esteem! Just kidding. We're not that mean.
    #1 NoobFly, May 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  2. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    Edit: Your map is now up to standards.

    These standards include:
    • A thread thumbnail showing your map
    • A description (500 words)
    • Pictures (at least 3 recommended)
    • Any other information you would like to include about the map

      A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below.
    Goodluck! -JGarb​
    #2 JGarb, May 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  3. mich012

    mich012 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From what I can see it looks quite good, but do you think you could put a few more screen shots up, for example an overview to give a better feel as to the size of the map.
  4. NoobFly

    NoobFly Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Will do. I added an overview. Probably shoulda done that in the first place.
  5. D2ma2

    D2ma2 Forerunner

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    Wow! amazing map! I've tested this with my friends and they all enjoyed the gameplay. Legendary forgers looks like the best forge group I've ever seen! The maps are awesome. I'd realy like to join if there are any spots open!
  6. outcastduke371

    outcastduke371 Forerunner

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    Nice looking map! Gonna download it now!
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map, great polish. Looks like the gameplay will definitely be there. I'm lovin the classic Halo vibe in this one. I've ran all over the map and I really think that there are going to be some stellar matches on this. I love the canon man through the window. I walked onto it while looking around the map and noticed the window at the last second and thought I was going to hit it. I flinched. :) I would say that if there was any real flaw on this map is that it almost feels a bit linear. **Almost**

    I thought you should know that your 2x3 in the long hallway is a hair out. You also have some garbage lying around near the clear energy . . battery/columb? . . . near the inlet of water. I also removed 2 seemingly unnecessary teleporters lying around the map. I should have deleted the one inside the battery/columb thingy and left one of the others.

    Here are a couple changes you may want to consider:

    The small hop down on the walkway that you left doesn't really make sense to me so I dropped a 1x1, upside down, on a 45, aligned mildly to the left. You should see why it's intentionally misaligned. It seems to work no matter where you enter.

    The large hop down I threw a 1x2, upside down, on a 30?, aligned against the back wall (over a spawn point. "ouch") It worked well and left an area to do the hop if wanted yet now seems like a more natural switch between walkways.

    Damn this icecream is good. Sorry. Back to the task at hand.

    I like having the rocket launcher blatantly in the middle of the map. It just seems right. I'm not sure if you put it to the side to increase difficulty or what but for me it just must be in the middle. Anyone else? Maybe it's just me :(

    I also yanked a railing that I swear you must have hummed and hawed about adding. It's the one opposite the prefab structure. The one that is misaligned with the walkway below. I think it makes for balance between the end bases and still a worthy angled jump to the walkway below.

    Lastly the light canon man inside the building is a bit over powered. It feels more natural when replaced with the standard gravity lift. The only flaw is trying to figure out how to decorate it now that it's not so fancy. I sunk it below deck but it does require some sort of simple framing. fortunately you have all those spare credits I gave you at the beginning of my comment. :)

    Anyway the over analysing and tweaking is a part of my process when 'I must' add a map to my moderate regular play list. This is a keeper.

    Thanks for the map,
  8. NoobFly

    NoobFly Forerunner

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    You're very welcome. I'll be sure to modify some of this. I still have to put in some kill boundaries that I missed as well. Infection is horribly cheap thanks to my lazy kill boundaries. Anyway. Thank you for the feedback.
  9. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cool let me know if/when you update.
  10. RandomGUITAR12

    RandomGUITAR12 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The small hop down on the walkway actually doesnt need a 1x1 block there because there is invisible stairs put there.
  11. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's a hella huge quote for a 1 sentence reply. Maybe just @preacher001 :)

    I never noticed that, I'll give it a look. It does beg the question,why. Doesn't it make more sense to put in the proper piece. I can"t think of one reason it would be cooler to make such a small ramp invisible. Leaving it in while adding the 1x1 may still allow for a smoother transition in that particular spot though.

    Thx for the info.
  12. Alex the Plamf

    Alex the Plamf Forerunner

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    Nice map

    Everything fits nicely together in a way reminiscent of lockout


    alot like lockout

    that is definitely a good thing since this is a favourite of the masses

    I can't wait to gather some of my friends for this one

    not much use for the sniper though :'D

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