NOEIN UPdated noein version: if you look please comment! its much appreciated and sorry about the pics having bandwidth problems Description: Noein is a smaller-medium symmetrical map. with this map i wanted to go for a halo C.E. feel a very large feeling middle room with all of the paths leading to the middle. with plenty of miserable little spots to ambush from many experienced players wont fall for these tricks however lol weapons: X2 DMR (30 sec) X2 Needler rifle (30 sec) X2 spiker (30 sec) X4 needler (30 sec) X2 magnum (30 sec) X2 plasma pistol (30 sec) X1 shotgun (120 sec) X1 concussion rifle (120 sec) X8 plasma nades (some are set for 30 sec) x4 frags Videos: YouTube - noein‏ pictures: here is a link to my photobucket so you can see the pics sorry guys its the best i can do noein pictures by shi11tenshi - Photobucket Thanks to: Itz eightball tomishigh soul slasher x Xaudienceofone th3 Equin0x xArctic hunterx Im X jackson shadowstormxX katanga v Values Phoenixx47 noe6992 feedback is always a nice thing i want you to help me make better maps for you! If you enjoyed this. Here is a few other of my maps to enjoy! MY other maps: Spoiler insurrection undertaken map pack
I remember this- a good map, though I found the rooms to be slightly confusing. This reminded me slightly of the side rooms on Countdown:fun but completely foreign to me still. Anyway im glad to see you posted this, its quite fun and the centerpiece fountain is very nice.
Hey buddy yep. hope this one gets a few good looks and feadback you'll get used to the map in time. overall its one of my most simplistic maps. I can see CTF working well as any slayer type. glad you enjoys for the most part! thanks
I can see where some of the rooms could get confusing. My first look at your overview made me do a double take. I'm sure it's not as bad as we are making it out to be but it is something to consider when designing. With that said, I really like the layout and the overall aesthetics of Noein. My favorite by far is the fountain, so simple yet so cool (I really hope that's a fountain otherwise I feel silly...) Terrific map! Keep up the good work.
yeah man that really a fountain. lol most the room only have to way in and a few places to hides it very simple i think. yeah the bases LOOk confusing but there really not there just simple rooms with one platfrom and 4 ways in all of which are all on the same side. i think this provides team work to make your way into the foes base. thanks for the feadback see you around the forum
heeeey i remember this map, this was the map I got all those sick no-scopes on Eightball on! This was a really well made map, flow and multiple pathways seemed to discourage staying in one spot for long, and I easily memorized the layout in half a game. You did a really good job on this one. PS: The 'E' in Equin0x is capitalised PPS: You forgot the first 'n' in xAudienceofone PPPS: *xArctichunterx
all fixed when it comes to the gamer tags, yeah i could tell you liked playing on it, and i wont lie you ripped eightball's head off lol all in good fun tho. glad you had fun playing. and i never heard someone say the flet like they had to move around lol i wonder if that a good thing i loved the feedback thanks bro!
Shut your ass up cracka, I get no-scopes like I've got aimbot. Lol, I'm kidding, but some of your shots were nice, even if none of them were headshots Anyways, this map was fun, the gameplay was pretty smooth and the aesthetics were probably your best yet. Especially the glass wall where you could see the waterfall. That was just plain smexy. I also really liked the blue-green lighting in the center- It doesn't cause any framerate issues too, so props on that. Overall, it was enjoyable and intense. Keep it up.
lol i think everyone played well that main testing game When we played it bro i can tell you where having fun, i think everyone was really. which its very good like always i do my best to make the best maps i can for the community. now that you point it out with all of the glass and the two lights overlapping each other i am surprised there is no FR issues either i am humbbled that this map is liked by you guys heres hoping for the best thanks bro
Hey man, you posted it! I can remember playing this map and just being in awe the whole time because of that waterfall. Man this was a great map to play on and i am finally glad ypu posted it. I am for sure going to DL this map and hopefully play some games on it . Great job! Screw Equin0x!
thanks for the props! and nice fountains.. i love how the community is picking this up. this is probably the coolest use of them so far (besides my secret map with the original design : P) this gameplay was wayyy fun and the esthetics are superb
Thanks xArctic Hunterx yeah man the play testing i think was super fun so i just had to post this map. as for the waterfall hell to the yes lol. i built this map around the waterfall and i am glad it worked out as far as the waterfall gose XD providing a unique look that i haven't seen hardly any maps have. i am happy my hard works not going to waste lol have fun man see you in the customs! [br][/br]Edited by merge: hey man you had a great idea and gave it to the rest of us thanks man! and you make cool maps you should post them more bro. here gose hoping this map gets picked up by all kinds of players!
Wow It looks great. The fountain is a good focal point for a map but also the fights seems to be evenly spread through the hallways. The aesthetics look good. Also The name of the map is very creative and caught my eye, how did you come up with it? Nice Job. I try to DL this later.
wow man i am ecstatic you liked this map to tell the truth i thought it was going to be hated. but what i tried for this map was to push all the fighting to the middle but everywhere else works just fine lol about then name lol its really nothing big man i was reminded by this map of and anime was was very good so as a tribute i named my map after that anime. i thought it was a very unused name so i am gald its working out thank you very much sir!
Hey, as for the rooms: I did say they are confusing, but thats just because they look the same for the most part. I always did find my way but was a bit disoriented during that time in them. Just as a suggestion for future maps with rooms similar, please try to make them for understandable. Don't get me wrong, the map is great and fun, I just felt that confusion take away from the overall experience.
i am sorry you feel that see i thought about that, that why there are colored tiles on the ceiling to help you find your self and where you want to go... and one side is much different then the other that helps as well.. i cant but feel a little hurt about you saying it takes away from the experience because in truth your making this seem WAY worse then it really is... remember we are all on the same team friend.
I didnt even look up at the ceiling once, so I hadnt notice the tiles, and there is no reason fo feel hurt for that one minor inconvenience I felt. I still love the map, I just don't love the rooms, I only told you this because the more feedback other than "good job" created more progression in forging skill, in any skill really. So I think you are reading my words wrong- I love this map and all your other ones as well. To sum this up you said "we are all on the same team". I know this. I never went against you: remember, im just voicing a criticism. Don't get all worked up about it the map is fun and well made.
thanks bro we all gotta hang in there. and to be honest i didn't like the rooms when i was making them either, but people had fun anyways so i left them be as for the feedback yes i love criticism it helps me learn and grow on the knowledge i have and i am the kinda guy that has to work hard at things to get good at them so its very very appreciated so keep being honest its far from a bad thing so keep up the good work bro and i will do the best i can to
i like this map, the fountain in the center room and the roof of the room are very unique and simple, the flag polls as fountain was a nifty detail as well
I am pleased to see that the looks of this map, be sure to try it i hope you like the way it plays as much as you like the looks and as for the fountain was inspired by tomishigh me and a few other users are just building up on his idea. thanks for the bump bro see you around the forum