For those of you who remember UNSCxHeadshot or xMBMAxPureEvil or whatver the hell my name was on here (I made a lot of ghost town maps) (Yes they were actually good) I'm just revisiting and posting up some work, and just want to say Hi. I cant believe how many people are still on this site like Pegasi Delta, Sarge, And Sharp. I have moved on lol. Oh and if pauliewalnutz is viewing this, whatsupdood Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
So modest Cool stuffs, they're all nicely done. Did you take a class for any of this or was it all taken from the web?
Erico is still here to! You have made some awesome maps my friend. Also, I have been graphic editing for 4 years, I have taken one class that helped a little bit. And multi, The style I use would not be possible without the C4D's, its just the way the style is. Without them, it would be to similar to the original stock.