The staff here are incredibly rude and immature. They almost make the look mature. I've received many infractions, but not one of them were deserved. I've had multiple thread locks because they are supposedly "spam". They base whether or not to use their powers on their own opinion. They should instead base it off facts like any other intelligent person does. They've locked or deleted multiple threads that I made in Off-Topic. Let me tell you something - Off-Topic is meant for random posts that belong in no other section. If you want to be such assholes about it, why don't you just remove the entire section? It has no use being there if you're just going to remove, lock, or infract posts for no reason. One reason they give out infractions is for criticizing maps. I've received roughly 2 infractions for pointing out major flaws of maps instead of proceeding to call them perfect like most people here do. Why have a reply feature in map topics if you don't want maps to receive feedback? I have even received infractions for simple debates. Apparently, the stupidity of the staff goes so far as to mistake debating for insulting. If your IQ was even remotely normal, you'd be able to tell the difference. Stop being so abusive and learn to use your powers correctly. Until then, we should all switch to a better forums. Xforgery and Ghosts of Onyx are both far more mature than this pathetic place. MLG and would also be better choices. Go ahead and infract me for this too. By doing so, you're only backing up this well-known fact. Or better yet, lock it. You seem to enjoy using that feature to disallow people to have a valid discussion, so why not just go ahead and do that? Most of the staff here are decent people, but being decent staff is a much different thing. They're way too opinionated in the way they do things, and it needs to change, or they should get a different staff line-up. This just isn't the way to run a forum.
Can't say I didn't laugh, but that doesn't change things. The way the staff do things here is not right. Infracting people based on your opinion sounds like something a regular member would do. One should always use their staff powers based on facts.
I too felt this way a long time ago. I quit for awhile, then joined back and felt much differently, and realized I was being immature. Just chill and leave for a little if you don't feel like the staff is being appropriate.
I agree with you that some mods do not lock/delete/infract by the rules, but rather their biased opinion.
If you show me where it factually says: "This post with these words are spam," I might agree with you. But saying they infract/lock off oof their opinions is unreasonable. Theres nothing else to go by.
Another ignorant staff lover? Forgehub never changes. I'm simply stating the facts here. The staff aren't very good at running a forum at all. You're ignoring these facts because of your connections with most of the staff, and that's just wrong. If you looked in a couple of threads to see the kind of posts people get infracted for, you'd agree with me too. Go do that and come back. I think that what you had realized before you left just wandered out of your mind. They still aren't correctly moderating these forums. I don't want to just get banned for them to not realize their mistakes. I'd like to see them change. The staff can have their opinions just like everyone else can, but they shouldn't let that influence the way that they use their powers.
Just look around these forums. Very few of their infractions are done based on facts. If they want to state their opinion, they should do so in a reply. If they feel that they should infract someone because he is *factually* doing something wrong, they should think about what they're doing for a couple minutes and then do so.
"they're immature so here's me complaining in a like manner, look at how unintentionally ironic i am." LOCKED.
by the way, I'm factually locking this because you posted it in HALO REACH DISCUSSION, which this is not a part of. No bias, purely fact. EDIT: Factually, Sarge will be locking this thread.