Halo Reach Campaign Noble Team

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zenixlio, May 30, 2011.

  1. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Now, as I have read from countless forums, everyone hates them. I don't blame you. We didn't have time to connect to them like we did Master Chief. But you can't trash talk their deaths. Majoring in English, the story the is Reach would have been perfect as a sequel to Noble Team before the Events of the Covenant War. That way, we would have had more time to bond to them. Their deaths make perfect sense if looked at from a story view, and not a game view. Ill go in order of deaths.

    Jorge, the heavy weapon expert. An original Spartan II. The nice guy, a gentle Giant of sorts. Reach was his home since he was born there. He had a deep love for Reach and all the people that lived there. He risked himself in battle to save them. He was kind to civilians when interacting with them. He ultimately sacrificed himself to save Reach. He thought it was the only Super Carrier, so he thought that he should be the one to save Reach from it. He wanted to be the Savior of Reach.

    Katherine, the tech expert. Second in command of Noble Team. She is truly a character. Running out in the battle field with just a pistol. Truly a bold Russian. Curios person, which was not bad at times. After the glassing of New Alexandria, while her shields were down and making an escape, she gets shot in the head while feet away from safety. Her death truly hit me hardest of Noble Team.

    Carter, the leader. I must agree with everyone on this one, Carter was truly undeveloped. But he held his role in the game. He commanded Noble Six, giving him direct orders and commands. He lead his team the best way he knew how. Ultimately, he crashed in to a Scarab to give Emile and Noble Six clear passing. A true leader sacrifices himself for his team.

    Emile, the CQB. The big hot shot. He truly does not care who wins or losses the war, just as long as his enemies die. He sports a carved skull on his helmet, as well as being left handed, his helmet and wrist attachment being on right instead of the left. He is very arrogant, bold, brave, closed minded, and has a huge ego. He dies being a showboat going execution style with the shotgun on an elite, and gets stabbed through his spine and back with a sword. Before he dies though, he turns around and stabs the elite that just skewered him.

    Noble Six
    Noble Six, the lone wolf. He has always done solo operations. He can hold himself and often finds teammates more of an annoyance than support. His recent addition to Noble Team has showed him teamwork is best until the end. He saved The Pillar of Autumn so Master Chief can do what he needs to do. He truly has the most sentimental death. Being the last Noble Team member alive, he has become the lone wolf again. He fights off seemingly endless waves of Covenant until finally surrounded by Zealot class elites and finally gets taken out. His helmet is still on Reach even after the glassing, remaining as a monument to the man that saved Master Chief, who saves the entire human race from the Covenant, the Flood, and the Halos.

    You see, each member has a death related to their role. The Leader kills himself for the greater good of the team. The Tech Expert gets shot in the head (movie references for people who don't see it)Although he is not dead, Jun, The Sniper, escapes sneakily away before he could get killed. The CQB gets stabbed in the back. The Friendly Giant sacrifices himself to save his planet and home. The Lone Wolf dies alone.
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Psh. I preferred Noble team to the chief. Though I preferred the ODST team on H3:ODST more.

    I thought Kat and Emile's characters could've been developed a little better, but overall I liked the more human aspect to the team, as opposed to the walking tank that Master Chief was.
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Uhm... either you type too fast to realize what youve typed, or youre not an English major. Sorry for pointing that out, not trying to troll, it just niggled at me. You also really love the word 'truly'. ; )

    I like the rest of the post though. It resonates with me as they were all basically the same things I was thinking at the time of their deaths. Jorge loved Reach, and that love caused him to sacrifice himself for his home planet. Kat was a tech expert, and failed tech caused her death. Carter, as the squad leader, put the objective above himself and made the sacrifice to get the job done. And Emile, ever the showboat, died due to carelessness and arrogance. Jun, however, is sneaky and elusive by nature, and his fate is not dissimilar. Ive heard that he is part of a novel, but I havent read it so I dont know the story there. Six was the loner. He joined a team that, mostly, didnt want him. He joined them as an outsider, alone, but increasingly became an asset to the team. He died a hero, an unbeknownst catalyst for the saviour of the entire universe, but still alone.

    I like how Bungies stories are metaphorical and have hidden meanings along with context. Complex stories are lacking in media of this sort these days, and its good to see a dev not insult us by dumbing things down.
    #3 Xun, May 30, 2011
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  4. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    It was late last night -.- My bad. The story that is reach... etc.

    That was just pure laziness of me :3
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I'm still not thrilled with Emile's death. He had taken out countless phantoms previously and yet failed to destroy one that comes in from directly in front of him. It just doesn't add up. He didn't even take a shot at it which also seems a bit odd.

    Though as far as the aspects of each death go, I definitely agree that they're representative of each SPARTANs character. Although I'm not sure about the shields with Kat. I heard that she forgot to re-initiate them after the blast; that she always lacked situational awareness, which also led to her losing her arm in a previous operation. All of noble team was hit by the blast, but I'm pretty sure the rest had shields up at the time. Nonetheless, the character trait certainly contributed to her death.
  6. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Lol, no worries. It was late at night when I typed that too, so forgive me. I get crabby when Im tired ; ). I enjoyed reading the post, was informative and interesting.
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I think his death was kind of lame. I did like the surprise sword through him, but the "I'm perfectly fine enough to be an over-exaggerated badass and fire off one more quip" annoyed me.
  8. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    As someone who wants to study English as a major (and get into video game writing, loremasters, that kinda stuff) the plot to me in Reach was full of subtle nuances, such as what the original post goes on to detail.

    But let's not forget how Bungie marketed the game: "From the beginning, you know the end." After all, many Halo fans were aware of the story of Reach or had heard it mentioned from the previous games (not sure on that one, but I believe it was mentioned). "Halo: Reach Falls 2010" It's almost similar to "Snape kills Dumbledore." Except for, of course, it really skimps on the details. I believe if Bungie didn't market the game the way they did (but what other choice was there?) it wouldn't have been so well-received.

    Anyways, I just thought that needed to be mentioned.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    On the InTErWEbz, none meaning grammor and speeeling do have.


    I thought that the overall character development was pretty well done when the player tries to put a bit extra into his/her experience. Most people base everything about the character on the time spent with that character rather than either putting some imagination into the character or looking into some added info. I think that Bungie needed to supply a ton of additional info to truly keep the players that aren't paying enough attention aware of things that happened (ex: Noble 6 surviving the fall with his re-entry unit or Noble 2's shields disrupted when the headshot is made) and needed to include the team's previous story in the game to make a huge difference in how people feel about the main characters.

    I think that it is pretty cool how each character dies displaying their personality and it seemed like that became pretty clear when the trailer came out about each Noble Team member. This is despite the fact that the trailer seemed a bit off though; Kat's "curiosity and insubordination" seemed like she would die a bit less unexpectedly and I was pretty sure Jun would have died because Halsey said that "distance is a luxury he cannot afford" and was hinting at a CQC related death.
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Yeh, next Tuesday. The big red ones. Ask Jim 'round the back, he'll let you in.

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