Atropolis is my first competitive map. Normally, my maps are casual and allow people to make their own game types, but recently i've noticed the only casual maps that really get viewed are the remakes. I remember Forge in Halo 3, you were considered to be amazing if you could make a good map. It took much more skill and patience...something that not all people have. I'm not saying that I'm dissapointed that almost everyone can forge easily in Reach now, but what happened to the originality? If i had to choose between a descent remake or a brand new idea, personally, I would go with new map. To sum all of that up, I hope one day people consider moving forward and try new things instead of dwelling on the past. Yes, i Know Zelda for the N64 was amazing but it's time to move on...unfortunately. Map Description- Atropolis features three floors of medium to close range combat. Both teams spawn on the bottom floor where they can begin their fight for the top. Bridges cross the center of the first two floors while a little tower on the top floor over looks the map. As buildings go, there are two "bases" across from each other on the bottom floor, two rooms on opposite sides of the middle floor, and several little bunkers on the top floor. While running around, a few power weapons can be found. Those consist of a rocket launcher, a hammer, a sword, and more. Precision fighting will most likely dominate the map but shotguns and assault rifles are perfect for close encounters. Man cannons with the help of teleporters assist in moving you around the map. And one last thing, a jet pack never hurt anyone. Casual maps I've posted on ForgeHub: Carrier, The Dutchman, and Halo Wars. The Picture aren't great but their mandatory... Aerial View: Top Floor: Middle Bridge: Middle Floor: Bottom Bridge Bottom Floor: Bottom View again:
On the topic in your first paragraph, I agree and disagree with your view. I think that although remakes are a great way to bring back amazing old memories, they do cause you to dwell in the past instead of being inventive and looking toward the new. But dwelling in the past can have great benefits. Suppose there is a map that everyone loved, and, while still creating a new map, you just inspire your map off of the old one in order to re-obtain that thrill. I like the fact that you just simply talk about your views in your post. Okay on the map its self. The first picture, the overview, is a bit deseaving (which isn't a bad thing). I expected the map to have a bunch of tight corridors and hallways but instead the map is very open. The aesthetics are nice and I love the way the bottom floor looks. The light greatly improves the map but to continue the purple theme I would color the objects purple. A weapon list would help too. My only other consern is that the grav-lift (not man-cannon) shown in the first picture does not look good. But other than that this map looks great. Nice job here. Squidman - Please reply to my post
I agree with just about everything you said, but this map was rushed. The Purple light was actually a friends idea and i haven't found a way to fix the bland, dead look to the map. I just wanted to get it posted because posting maps on here takes me a while. Thanks for the feedback though, i'll be thinking of how to fix it for the next few days.
I see you try to bring in maps that are more original than famous ideas and that is great that you try to bring in new ideas towards the halo experience. I see it will help push in more creative maps in the future with you but let's get to the map. On the obvious note, the top is the power level much like construct and that is not good at all. That is going to be a huge advantage especially with the need of teleporters and man cannons. Power weapons may need to be moved to the middle floor instead of on top or the top will surely be another construct. It seems like the jet pack has a advantage as well so that brings sprint out of the picture, not to say it will ruin game play. I do like the use of 1x4 blocks but the use of the braces seems very unoriginal and overused. On the other hand, elevation is rarely used in maps and it may prevent bad spawns. I think it will take you a while until you get this map right, possibly have only two floors and add stairs? Do not consider this as an offensive reply because I am only trying to make sure you understand the flaws of a narrow, top floor advantage map.
No, i understand, critiqing (sp?) maps only makes them better, so I say go ahead and point out the bad stuff. I'd like to throw in that the middle floor IS the most heavily armed floor though. Personally, I don't like power weapons. It's like that for me in most games but in Halo, my weapon of choice is the assault rifle. In the map however, my goal was to add stairs, but with 5x5, 4x4, and coliseum walls making up the sides of the map, it wouldn't be an easy thing to do. I'm currently trying to fix the map but like you said, it may take a while. I also agree with the whole Construct thing. That whole map was absolutely horrible.