Blue Streak

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by A SILENT EMU, May 26, 2011.


    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Blue streak is a symmetrical map that is built for asymmetrical gameplay. It incorporates multiple height variations, weapons, aesthetic touches, and some unique structures. A lot of effort went into finding a perfect balance and flow between the top and bottom levels. It supports games ranging from 4-12 players however it is best suited for 4 v 4 in team games and 6-8 in FFA. It supports most standard gametypes but only features one sided game modes for team games such as CTF and Assault. It is well suited for both objective and slayer.

    Thanks to my testers...
    Time Glitch
    Obsidian Frost
    iTz EightBall
    iM x JacKsoN
    and many more...

    Weapon List

    • Sniper Rifle X1 (120 sec, 2 spare)
    • Grenade Launcher X1 (90 sec, 5 spare)
    • Shotgun X1 (90 sec, 1 spare)
    • Plasma Pistol X1 (60 sec)
    • DMR X3 (30 sec, 2 spare)
    • Needle Rifle X3 (30 sec, 2 spare)
    • Frag Grenade X2 (30 sec)
    • Plasma Grenade X2 (30 sec)
    • Health Pack X3 (30 sec)
    Power Weapon Spawns


















    Download, comment, rate, and enjoy!
    #1 A SILENT EMU, May 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, it's good to see you posted this map. I really loved the blue color theme you have for it; It really lights up the map well and gives it a nice vibe. I also really loved that grate made out of antennas', it was definetly creative and different. Gameplay was smooth and there was no way you could camp you any certain area on the map. Weapon choice was great and there wasn't a single bit of Framerate lag on the map. Well done, Emu.
  3. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    OOO spicy, the satellites were a VERY intresting new touch, and the way you used the glass sails looked very intresting as well, i jsut hope there isnt a lag consequence that follows, the shotgun spawn with the braces was simple yet stands out among the map, this map deffiently has my download, and cant wait to test it!!!
  4. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was a fun map to play. The grating was... interesting. Other than you ignoring my phobia of long ramps, this map is great. Really enjoyed one flag, but then again, I probably like CTF more than any other gametype.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad you like it. Also, even with some of the aesthetic touches, there is no frame rate lag. At least me nor anyone I tested with had any in its final form.

    Haha thanks one flag is pretty fun because there are a lot of different ways to carry the flag. I must have missed you talking about your phobia of long ramps lol but hopefully they aren't too long.

    Thanks to everyone else who left feedback also.
  6. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow this looks like a really fun map. The layout looks interesting and I like the blue theme to it. The gate is also really cool, it looks like it but I'm not sure can you jump over it? Good weapon list and lift too, overall very nice map.
  7. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it is probably your best competitive map yet. The map has a darker tone to it, the aesthetics are clean and interesting, and the layout seems more complicated than past maps. I especially like the fence and glass sail thing. This really is a great looking map. I'll have to see how it plays but for now DL.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes you can use the little teleporter frames on the sides to jump over it. You can also shoot through it.
  9. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I absolutely like this map. It has a lot of new uses i never see out of the tools in forge. I especially like the coloring and the courtyard with the two glass walls, it really is a attention grabber. I rarely see maps like these and it looks very well done. You surely got my download.
  10. mthornley88

    mthornley88 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow! I am definately giving this map a download. You seem to have balanced a great amount of aesthetics with gameplay. The whole blue aura gives a great originality to the map. Good work.
    #10 mthornley88, May 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2011

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad you liked it. The coloring was one of the first things that went into the map and I really wanted to make some unique structures that not only stand out but that I could really incorporate into good gameplay. It seems that, for the most part, this was accomplished.

    Thanks for the feedback yup I worked a lot on finding a good balance between aesthetics and gameplay as well as removing any frame rate lag and giving it a unique feel.
  12. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    you always have some realy original ideas, the pitch on the roof looks stunning. ide like to collaborate with you sometime. keep up the good work

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I'd definitely be down. Feel free to hit me up with a friend request.
  14. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Thanks to Zenixlio for his ideas about the map.​


    Blue Streak


    The sheer structure and design of Blue Streak is very professional. It is sophisticated, but doesn’t overcomplicate things. The twists and turns, dead ends and alternatives provide an enjoyable arena for players to outwit their opponents and use their surroundings to their advantage. The intricate layout works especially well for objective gametypes, where circulation and navigation are imperative.

    In Blue Streak, there are both medium and short range areas. In the centers of each floor are often grounded with DMR fire, while each end is dominated by the close quarter’s shotgun. Unfortunately, a little too much time is spent in the close-range areas, which is not necessarily to the taste of every player.

    Most of the action tends to take place on the upper area. While this allows the escape routes to the lower level to be more effective, gameplay can be considered a bit too hectic for the more laid-back player. It sometimes comes down to a person’s playing style to determine how much they enjoy the map.

    The lower level’s fence is made of criss-crossed Antenna Pieces that allow players to shoot and throw grenades through. This is of a clever design that occasionally shields someone from enemy fire, and vice versa. In order to pass to the other side, players must circle around into one of two walkways where they are forced into a firefight with the enemy. If no opposition awaits them, they can pincer the enemy and take control of the lower level.

    There are small holes on the top level that let players drop down and escape to the level below them. These work perfectly to add a new dynamic twist to turn the tables on a chasing enemy. A player falls through they are given the advantage as their pursuers drop down onto a waiting grenade.



    Blue Streak is an asymmetrical map, so there is of course going to be some balance issues in the layout itself. Although Blue Streak attempts to balance out the two teams, there is a large issue with power weapons. There are three of them in Blue Streak: a shotgun, a grenade launcher, and a sniper. The Sniper is on a central structure on the top level, so it would be assumed that everyone has an equal chance at obtaining it. However, the easiest path to the sniper starts directly in front of Blue Team’s initial spawn. This is a blatant advantage that imbalances the teams from the get go. If that wasn’t enough, the Shotgun is located right beneath the Blue Team’s initial spawn, furthering Blue team’s initial lead. Not only can they dominate the long-range, but now the close-quarters are covered as well. The Grenade Launcher, however, is given to the Red Team. At least this gives the advantage to an adept player, but it is a poor attempt at balancing out both teams.

    The only consolation of this is that the shotgun and sniper are next to useless in the areas that they spawn in. The shotgun is located in an open area and there is no suitable use for the sniper rifle. When used right, the grenade launcher can be a formidable weapon. The twists and turns of Blue Streak complement the ricochet-capable weapon well.

    The red team’s territory is much more susceptible to getting trapped in than the wide open blue territory. Especially at the top floor, the red side of Blue Streak is more intricate and enclosed with a few exits that are easy to camp near. The team’s gravity lift is easy to camp by, as the one-way shield allows no escape.

    It would seem that Blue Streak lives up to its name, having a strong bias towards the blue team. While this bias isn’t very strong, it shows its ugly face on numerous occasions throughout the map.



    No respawn points are dedicated to a particular team, so it is difficult to predict where enemies will return. The map is also large enough so that players do not accidentally spawn in front of an enemy. There are a healthy number of respawn zones to regulate where players spawn, with additional zones placed in specification to each gametype. This changes the spawn system and diversifies it depending on the gametype at hand.

    Blue Streak is a completely enclosed map, and there are no unintentional areas or platforms that may be exploited for an advantage. Simply put, Blue Streak is completely inescapable.

    Occasionally, framerate lag plagues Blue Streak. There are particular points in the map where the framerate drops as the game tries to process the number of objects in view. One decoration on the lower level practically begs for lag, as it uses four glass objects surrounding a light. These are all things that induce framerate lag, and to put them all in one place is a bad idea.



    On top of great gameplay, Blue Streak offers a wonderful and professional atmosphere. Its enclosed structure has a complete and polished feel to the map, and the subtle blue glow throughout gives credence to the map’s name along with a colder atmosphere.

    Inside the Red Base there is a light that looks as if it is being held by a spherical structure. This cage-like object was created from several inactive receiver nodes and seems to seal the light within it. This has been done in many other Forge maps, but is still looks much better than an inexplicable white orb.

    The separating fence in the lower level has a hypnotic pattern while not looking out of place among the other aesthetics in the room. On the Blue Team’s side, a small structure is made of glass walls and several phased satellite pieces. While this creates a great deal of framerate lag, it is an interesting structure that resembles the chambers within Halo 3’s Cold Storage.

    There are several instances of pieces being placed side by side, rotating around a single point to make a circular decoration or piece of cover. They are scattered about the map and begin to form a constant theme. On top of their simple beauty, they somehow do not cause framerate lag, allowing players to admire them without slowing down their screens.

    Although the map does not boast any absolutely mind-blowing aesthetics or decorations, the quality of the entire map is consistently high and much attention was paid to detail. For example, the ceiling could easily function as a flat coliseum wall, however the creator went above and beyond by varying its shape with dips and rises throughout. The map therefore resembles an actual, planned piece of architecture rather than just a plain box filled with walls and stairways.



    The lower level’s fence functions perfectly, and the way it breaks up enemy fire adds a unique, new element to gameplay. The way it occasionally deflects the grenade launcher’s grenades can make for some unfortunate, but sometimes hilarious backfires.

    Contrary to what some may believe, the light’s cage mentioned earlier is a technique that has been used in several other maps. Also, the phased, repeating pieces on the lower level that give Blue Streak its theme are a popular attempt at aesthetic design.

    In function, the short tunnels on the upper level resemble the organic tube from Halo 3’s Isolation. The upper level is similar to the central area in Citadel, and the decoration below borrows the chambers from Cold Storage. These are three maps that Blue Streak draws elements from, however the way the creator has incorporated these aspects makes for a new experience altogether.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    Originality:[/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30
    7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15
    8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10

    Final Score


    Based on the individual ratings, the map would score a 6.3, however I fear this is an unjust rating. This map almost guarantees a good time because of its notable originality and admirable enjoyability. Its main fault lies within its balance, but once that is sorted out Blue Streak will be a force to reckon with.

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    #14 Tedium, Jul 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011

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