Coil Sourche. (The picture from above is overview 1 of the map) This is my best map ever that works to all game types. Its an arena platform with two floor levels and with fusion coils under.(i call it fusion hell.) Its made for game types where you deal 0% damage and got 50% life and use gravity hammers. Then you shall try to push your enemys down into the fusion hell and u will get the kill because u absoluty die down there. as i sayed it works for all gametypes but free for all slayer is best i guess. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀Extra Describtion.▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ There is two big arena platforms above each other. The highest one is made of 4 stairs and is where the main slaying is, there is 4 bridges that leads to some towers can i call it that leads to the Starting points. From each of those towers there is a stair down to a fence box you can walk on. the towers are working together with 2 so at all there is 4 towers that is leading together to the fencebox. (its hard to explain. :S) when u get to this fencebox there is a bridge leading to the low platform. at the low platform you can also make war but its more dangerus because if the Halo gods arent with you they will cast a fusion coil onto you and kill you (killed by the guardians.) I hope you will download it and rate/comment and first for all... Like it. Download the map here and much more describtion on Gametypes. Slayer. Oddball. King Of The Hill. Overview 2. Overview 3. Here you see the lowest level of the map.
This is one of the more exelent map and the idea is great! I also like the layout of the map. You guys who looks at this should try it out!
how do i post maps because i have a gr8 1 flag/2flag ctf map that i want to post. if u want to reply to this please just send me a message.
looks like it could be fun. but 1: if the fusion coils are set to instant respawn wouldn't it lag, and 2: some fence walls look a bit crooked like in your first pic. other than that good job
Well 1. No it dosent lag i can promise that when i have played. 2. You shall not look at those fence walls/boxes. They are just made so you cant jump out of the map. still its awesomee!!!
the map is done very sloppy and could use a little clean up but this could be a pretty good idea if it was a little more astheticly sound
Its incridible how fast people looks at other maps and comment them on forgehub. Forgehub is awsome. Good luck with your maps you are always welcome to comment/rate/download my map. ^^
If you get rid of those Fusion coils, it also looks to be a promising slayer map. Pretty cool, although exploding death pits have been done for (x/0) times.