I don't have the patience to complete solo legendary, anyone got time to complete it co-op? I need to complete ONI Sword Base, Tip Of The Spear, Exodus, New Alexandria, The Package, and The Pillar Of Autumn.
I don't really care about getting better at campaign, since I probably will only complete it/attempt to complete it once or twice. I'd rather get better at something that I'd do on a permanent/very long basis, such as multiplayer. Or maybe something that matters, like... life? That's not gonna happen....
i'll say it again. solo legendary will make you a better OVERALL player, including MM. you learn the mechanics of every weapon. or play matchmaking campaign, always vote for legendary, eventually you will finish it.
Really? I didn't know that. I thought MM campaign disabled the ability to earn achievements. Thanks for that.
lrn2scavenger In legendary, people have a tendency to hold onto that rocket launcher and save the ammo, or stockpile weapons. Covenant weapons, however are not at all bad and they're everywhere so you never have to worry about ammo. I would advise against MM campaign because lag tends to make playing difficult and you won't gain any experience. I played New Alexandria on heroic, saving power weapons and stuff the entire time, and it took longer than playing legendary and just using spikers and plamsa pistols throughout. If you do end up playing MM Campaign and find a good team, send them friend requests and if they don't stay in the party, back out and invite them to another campaign game. I finished Long Night of Solace with three people (I was the only one with a mic) in under ten minutes including the cutscenes it doesn't let you skip. We then proceeded to complete the rest of campaign in less than an hour. The entire ordeal basically consisted of sprinting through and shooting a few enemies along the way.
you know what, I'm not sure. better google that. but I'm pretty sure you can unlock stuff, its not like you can change settings in campaign or anything, so I can't see why they would block achievements they key to legendary is patience, cover, a needle rifle/dmr/mag and a plasma pistol. the plasma pistol is really necessary
Reach Campaign on legendary im game send me a invite my tag is YourDarkShadows i also do odst on legendary