Pagoda Hello! and welcome to Pagoda. This map was a pain in the ASS. I had to redo it about 20 times. i have been workin on it for about 2 weeks now and i think its finally finished I tried to make this map as colorful as possible, so i stuck with a color scheme of purple and orange, which i think looks really cool. In all my games of testing i didnt have 1 complaint of Fr lag, and people told me there was virtually no lag. I also added an energy sword and a concussion rifle combo to counter eachother beautifully and makes the game alot more enjoyable. I also added a shotgun to mix it up a bit, but it is really low on ammo. Weapon list- Energy sword- 180 secs concussion rifle - 150 secs - 1 spare clip Shotgun - 180 secs - 0 spare clips 2 Plasma Repeaters - 75 secs 8 plasma grenades 2 needle rifles - 60 secs - 1 spare clip 2 dmrs - 30 secs - 0 spare clips and the pics.... Main center room- Top floor hallway - Outer Hallway- Narrow Hallway Outdoor cave area. (with a special campfire of course) + shotgun spawn- I will upload a roofless picture as soon as i can, but i am unable to now. And remember.... if you dont download this... You Get Shot Fool!
I like what I see here. In particular, I like the appearance of the outdoors area based on that picture. Looks nicer than most "outdoors" forging I've seen, with the bonus of a campfire! The curve on the bridge looks good as well. Obviously haven't played on it yet so I can't comment on gameplay, but if you say there is no FR lag then that's a major plus already.
This map is amazing. I love the center structure with the curved bridge and the floor below it. I also like how you used the braces to create walls. Overall this is a beautiful looking map. I cannot post on the gameplay because I have not been able to get a game on it.
Dude, hit me up on XBL, so we can get somes games on this. I love the center-piece, so well thought out and daaamn sexy. The bridge is awesome too, it really adds more creativity to the map. I see a lot of color and it doesn't look to be too open. One thing I'd think about changng, even though it's awesome, is the campfire with the red light it might cause framerate issues and it really doesn't give a good vibe to the map. Just a thought and my opinion. Q'd for download.
Thanks knight and spartan im glad u guys like it. The outdoor part was very time consuming. And thanks for the advice eightball, if it has any issues i will definitley remove the light. And im glad you like the center piece and bridge. The center piece took me a bit but i think it made the map alot cooler.
this maps style has been done a few times : ( but 8ball is right that bridge in the center is awesome ..MythicFritz made a map a couple months ago with large braces at an angle like you used in picture #1 & 2 and it looks so good! I wish i had the idea originally because its a good one.
Thanks tom! Im glad u like it. Ya the large braces have been done a few times, but due to lack of a large forge pallete and blocks, i pretty much had to use them. I dont mind i think they look really cool. The bridge was also a pain in the butt to get cenetered, but i think i got it pretttty straight. Thanks for the feedback!