MLG weapon drop spawn

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by C00LCOLT, May 28, 2011.

  1. C00LCOLT

    C00LCOLT Forerunner

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    I have searched for those MLG weapon drop spawns for quite a time, but I can't find them explained. I found one explanation which was wrong (i tried it -
    What do I have to do that weapons spawn all xx minutes, no mather when the gun was picked up and how long it was in players hands?

    Thanks guys.

  2. C00LCOLT

    C00LCOLT Forerunner

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    Thanks mate. That's the thing i searched for. I hope it works now.
  3. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Basically you let the weapon spawn in the air so that it drops down when it spawns.
    That way it counts as a moved weapon and the respawn timer starts.
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you set the spawn time to 5 seconds, after 10 seconds, will you have two weapons dropped on each other?

    I know you can limit the number of weapons on the board. But if someone grabs the first one and a second one spawns, then clearly the max is 2 or more already. So if the first is not grabbed, will the second still spawn?
  5. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Yes but drop spawn is only used for power weapons, so it should have a long enough respawn time that the previous weapon will have despawned.

    And yea it will just drop on top of the other one, so it becomes a 2x ammo thing.
    In halo 3 they usually dropped down to the exact same spot if done correctly.
  6. C00LCOLT

    C00LCOLT Forerunner

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    Ok I have done some research.

    You can set in "Runtime Maximum" how many weapons you want to exist at the same time. For example: The sniper rifle spawns every minute, Runtime Max 2.
    Now you pick one of them up. If you still have that sniper rifle after a minute, the second sniper rifle will spawn nonetheless. But if your buddy picks that one up and keeps it, and you keep yours, there are already two sniper rifles in the game, hence there won't be a third spawn unless one of you drops the weapon.

    If you have a sniper rifle spawning every two minutes, and you don't pick it up it won't stack. Why? Because a weapon that has been drop spawned will disappear after exactly one minute. However, if you have spawn times of like 20 seconds, it's possible to have stacking weapons with lots of ammo (obviously, because 20sec < 1min).

    Drop spawn weapons will always fall the same way on horizontal ground so it looks like it's one normal weapon even though there are many stacked weapons. The only exception is when something explodes nearby and blows the falling weapon away. I'm unsure about slopes, though.

    In order to get the drop spawn you don't need to go 0.8-1.2 forge units higher. That's a total overkill. 0.5 is enough. Don't do lower, though, or else the spawning system will be screwed.

    The problem I had was leaving the Runtime Max on 1 because I didn't know it has an influence.
    #7 C00LCOLT, May 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    For power weapons on a midsize map you can increase the runtime max as much as you want to because if the power weapon is going unused you should either increase the spawn time or remove it from the map. Drop spawning is nice to do in any competitive map, especially with vehicles, because it let's players who are paying attention know when a weapon has spawned.
  8. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is very good to know. So if I set the max to 1, then I don't have to worry about two at the drop site. Once the garbage collector despawns the dropped weapon, then another can spawn?

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