Map Design Intent: A medium sized BTB vehicular map. This map is desgined for competitive BTB but it features some elements that should appeal to more casual gamers such as launching the warthog through the mancannons. This is the third generation of the map. Weapons: Various DMR's/NR's Various Nades/Plasmas Sniper x2 Focus Rifle x1 Rockets x1 Needler x2 PlasmaRepeater x2 Plasma Pistol x3 Human Turret x2 Falcon x1 Warthog x2 Mongoose x2 Invis x1 Map Screenshots: Blue Base: Red Bunker: Path through Dam: Path under Bridge: Landing Platform: View from blue grenade launcher: Overview: Video Flythrough:] : Halo Reach : File Details
Nice! The only thing I don't like is the use of coliseum walls... Other than that the red base seems unbalanced. But good foundation.
I think that the coliseum walls look fine, except for the one in the upper left corner of you overview picture. But also I think you should change the name of the map, trident is not the most original name. But nice looking map.
This map is freaking amazing. You have taken what is a relatively unused area and turned it into an amazing map. There is lots of space for vehicles and enough cover for infantry to move around, the best of both worlds. The Dam area is amazing. It provides even more space to move around on foot, and Looks really cool, and gives that little bit extra that a map needs to make it look amazing, and all in an area that is really under used. I really don't like the use of a Falcon on this map. As most of the map only has horizontal cover, the falcon will be able to tear apart members of the other team who stray out of the confines of the inside areas, and as there aren't many of those, it can become overpowered. Maybe give each team a Falcon, or remove it all together. Cool Map Bro 8D ♥ Sky
I agree with the falcon- generally it is very powerful on flat maps and might be better replaced by a banshee, which will be attacked by the sniper to counter it. I downloaded this after the BTB contest and this was probably my favorite out of the onyx winners! Honestly, I don't have much else to say: the bases are cool yet still attackable, the walking paths allow on foot players to still enjoy the match, and vehicle paths are good as well, blending natural and forged paths for varied gameplay. Great job,hopefully we see this in matchmaking someday!
Seems like a very nice map to play on with a nice blend of both natural and metallic objects...the idea is a very creative one and Ive seen only parts of this map before but never as an entire btb map...the aesthetics for the map is constant from the bases to the outer structures that increase the gameplay of the map...the varied use of objects is good but the use of some of teh rocks on the map seem to be random and can take away from some of the aesthetic value on the map...also I can understand why you used collesuim walls...the map is too big to be using blocks on it so that is the only option for the map to play with its size...nice map and good job...
I'm so glad this made it into match making! I played it today on Big team Battle. Its really cool and fun!
Sorry Black knight, but I really do not like this map. The rocks in the middle seem unnatural and forced, and they don't offer enough cover for me to want to traverse there. The side paths are really the only place to go, but the LOS is so great that I often feel like a sitting duck there as well. Focus Rifle side is where I spend my most time, and using that weapon seems to be the only enjoyment I get out of playing on the map. I think you can get away with a redesign in the same space.