This is a map made by BlackHand111 and ScareCrow813(Me). It is a combination of Blood Gulch, Coagulation, Vahalla, and Hemmorage. It is compatible with the gametypes I said along with Speedpile which was not there. There are weapons placed along the map and machinegun turrets on the bridge. Hope you enjoy! Please comment and make any recommendations.
You may want to consider adding some more cover. The only real cover looks like the bases. Overall the map looks like a very good revision of Blood Gulch, Coagulation, Vahalla, and Hemmorage.
The thing that caught my attention right away was how the structures were large and they really transformed the gulch. Very nicely done! I do suppose more cover in the middle of the map would be nice for infantry, but maybe that could be fixed with more rocks?
Thank You for the comments. Yeah I needed to put more cover but i ran out of rocks. That is why those little forward bases are there. Do you think i should add another minature base.
Yeah, the "more cover" is an issue as we only have about $500 left and ran out of most buildings and objects. Plus, we did want to keep it fairly open. Actually, when ScareCrow and I tested this map the cover wasn't an issue and actually seemed to be all right with how it is. However, if ScareCrow or me can try and figure out a way to provide a bit more cover in the middle we most definitely will.
Don't worry about the cover to much. Blood Gulch barley had any cover on it and it was one of the best maps. All Blood Gulch really had for cover were the caves, and I'm guessing you kept that in your map. Keep up the good forging.