
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by anime halo, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    anime halo

    Map Name:

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, Invasion, Race, Star Wars Battlefront



    This is a Mygeeto remake from Star Wars Battlefront 2
    The map features both invasion and territory as the primary gametypes even though it is set up for numerous other gametypes. (most the additional gametypes have not been tested on this map so I dont know how they play.)

    For territories there are 5 different points to capture:

    Territory 1:

    Phase 1:Territories
    Time: 3 minutes
    Timer: 20 seconds
    The elites spawn at the republic gunship as their intial spawn point with 2 rocket warthogs.[​IMG]
    Territory 2:

    This is the elites 2 spawn area.
    Territory 3:

    This is one of the 2 places that must be capture by the elites for phase 1.
    Territories 4 and 5:

    Territory 4 is the second object that must be captured in phase 1.

    Phase 2: Assault
    Time: 3 minutes
    The elites can now spawn at territories 1-4. The bomb spawns at territory 1 and they must place the bomb on a wall that blocks the pathway to territory 5.(The wall is not shown for this is a game from the territories gametype.)

    Phase 3: CTF
    Time: 5 minutes
    The elites must now go to territory 5 to obtain the core and bring it back to the republic gunship. The spartans now have gauss warthogs.

    Now for the objects on the map-

    4 shade turrnets 2 near the red base and 2 near the blue base
    2 stationary banshee turrents near the center building

    2 rocket warthogs at the blue base
    2 gauss warthogs at the red base

    Now for the territories gametype-
    Territories: 5
    Capture time: 15 seconds
    Number of lives: 10
    Time Limit: 5 minutes
    Score Limit: 500

    Sprint: Assualt Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Rocket Launcher, plasma pistol, Sprint
    Sprint: Sniper Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Shotgun, Plasma Pistol, Sprint, 2 frags

    Infinite Ammo and no weapon pickup

    Also there is the ability to become a Hero just like in Star Wars Battlefront.
    However this is completly random. Out of the ~70 spawns there is 1 spawn under the map the has a sword, a custom powerup, and a teleporter to the map.

    The custom powerup gives you the following attributes for 90 seconds:
    4x overshields
    No shield recharge
    weapon pickup
    125% speed
    125% jump
    75% damage
    300% Mellee damage
    Marker over head
    Unlimited sprint
    Enhanced radar
    No vehical use

    Now for the invasion gametype-


    Phase 1:
    Vehicals: 2 rocket warthogs
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags

    Phase 2:
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Shotgun, plasma pistol, Sprint, 2 frags

    Phase 3:
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Shotgun, plasma pistol, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Rocket Launcher, plasma pistol, Sprint
    Sprint: Sniper Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags


    Phase 1:
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags

    Phase 2:
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Shotgun, plasma pistol, Sprint, 2 frags

    Phase 3:
    Vehicals: 2 Gauss Warthogs
    Sprint: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint, 2 frags
    Sprint: Shotgun, plasma pistol, Sprint, 2 frags

    Here is the Territories gametype:

    Here is the Invasion gametype:
    #1 anime halo, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  2. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    I am a great fan of Battlefront and have spent hours upon hours in front of my T.V. killing away with my blaster rifle. Mygeeto has always been one of my favorites, and it makes me happy to see someone carry on the game's legacy. From what I see it looks like a fairly accurate remake - the only thing is it seems like you left out some of the more detailed parts. But I understand, the map is probably very large. But good or bad - I cant wait to download this and I cant wait to check it out; and I applaud you for your dedication to Battlefront and Reach. Way to go =)
  3. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    Hey man looks like a cool concept but telling from your second pic it doesnt look like things are lined up symmetricly is it just me or the pic?? not tryin to rain on your parade but i know thats one thing thats always been a big pet peeve of mine when things dont match up with the other if your trying for something that should be symmetrical.
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    Holy ****! O.O

    You actually remade this? And accurately too!?! Give this man a medal, SWBF2 was always my favorite alternative to Halo. I think it's really great that you remade this, definitely gonna download and show to mah friends!
  5. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    Thanks for the comments on the map...I was trying to remake one of the best maps from Battlefront and this was one of the ones I found I would be able to do and I plan to make some more if possible...Zeppelin Im sorry its not exactly lined up but it wasnt in the original map either If I can remember for these pillars where all over the map for aesthetics, cover and to add to the effect of the map being partially destoried which I tried my best to remake on this map...
  6. Killionare57

    Killionare57 Forerunner

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    Excellent remake anime halo. For the past six months some friends and I have been gathering/making everything Star Wars Battlefront. We've compiled it into one of our epic game variants known as Galactic Conquest. Basically its two teams going at it planet to planet just like in the original SWFB2 galactic conquest. Heh, we even have space battles. There's also classes you unlock as you complete battles. It's an hour to two hour event and it is awesome, and your map has joined its ranks. Excellent work again, and if you're wondering what map to do next, I can advise you what's already been done well.

    Completed maps: Kashyyyk docks, Mustafar, Coruscant, Bespin, Mos Eisley, Kamino, and of course now, your Mygeeto.

    I really want to make Kashyyyk Beach from SWB2, but haven't found the time. Man, and Utapau would be flippin sweet as well. There's a sub-par Polis Mossa and Jabba's palace out there, but didn't make the quality cut for our GC.

    Hit me up man and I'd love to show you what we got and maybe we can even organize a forge-hub Galactic Conquest night one of these days.

    Gamertag: CGU Killionare
  7. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thats for the nice comments and adding my map to your ranks...its an honor...Ive seen a mustafar map I didnt like so I was making a another mustafar(the buildings or the center of the map was missing! but mine will be complete and up to standards) I think I might make Utapau but the budget may be a problem...if you want to let me in the games and maybe play some other customs just add me and tell me who you are...Id love to play some games...till then thanks again...
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    My god, this should go in Forge discussion. This just looks like a typical unfinished map. Be creative instead of throwing coliseum walls and struts everywhere in a bad attempt to make your map look good.

    It's a good concept, but it looks so far from finished that it's unplayable. Gauss hogs? I'm not sure you've realized this, but the Gauss hog is just a glitchy exploitable vehicle and it has no place in matchmaking, customs, or anything, at the current moment. This map needs serious revisions before it even comes close to a quality map. I'm sorry, but unoriginal designs and complete lack of dedication don't get you high ratings. 3.8/10, and I'm only going that high for effort.
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think that's very nice or constructive of you to say. Have you played this map? You shouldn't really be so quick to jump to conclusions. The aesthetics are amazing on this map and did you ever stop and think that maybe you could offer him some advice on how to improve it? No, you didn't. Please think long and hard before you go judging someone's map that they probably worked hard on.
  10. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    I agree with Eightball. Im a personal fan of Star wars: Battlefront games and i think its a decent remake. Although 4shot, you are right that the aesthetics aren't great but making a map look pretty does not determine how good a map is to play on. You should think before you speak because it would save you a LOT of trouble.

    Also, Anime Halo i like the map's layout and weapon/vehicle choice. Gauss hogs are so under rated and it's nice to see someone else with a bit of creativity out there.

    Overall: 8/10
    #10 Matty the IV, Apr 9, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
  11. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Killionare honestly i have seen your maps and they are amazing i got a lot of friends that would want to do this. Send me a friend request at White DuctTape
  12. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    Ok I m back to reply to the comments made on this map...first of all 4shot you need to stop spamming my did the same thing on this map on the forge site xforgery but you are tryin to give my map a bad name on another forge site too...for record I know the gauss is overpowred but it doesnt make a big difference at all on its main gametype territories which plays very good...second the map can only be made from collesium walls which amplifies the effect of the map and is the only object that is big enough to make the map so your complaining about that is just spam...another point is that I played the map and I have a guide for the map so I know what it looks like and I made a version that is just a littel bit smaller and doesnt have as many pillars on the map...besides that I remade the buildings and the smae shape of the map...thanks to every excluding 4shots for the comments...
  13. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    Ah, this takes me back. I remember absolutely despising this map and everything about it in Battlefront. Good times. Good times.
  14. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    First off, SWB was and still is one of my favorite shooters, to be honest if it wasn't for that series I woudln't be playing shooters now. So, Mygeeto was one of my favorite maps to play on, especially on the big bridge, I can't see it in the pictures but the only way to see is to DL it so ill try it out with some friends later. Good Job.

    P.S. I understand if you couldn't get enought "Pretty Pieces" on the map due to budget. I've been wanting to remake Bespin Platforms From SWB1 since Halo 3 but I didn't have enough money of pieces.
    #14 MiCh4eLAnGeLo, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  15. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments and yeah...but I figured out if you dont use any buildings it can increase you budget greatly so try
  16. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    Oh My!! I love this map in battle Front. It looks exactly like and good job with the RTT.
  17. Spartan L01

    Spartan L01 Forerunner

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    I really liked playing Battlefront 2, and still do despite no online for the Xbox now! And I've always been drawn in by remakes of the maps from that game and the first Battlefront in Reach! This is no exception - I could tell that is Mygeeto if you didn't have a title for the map up! Gauss Hogs are something I'm a bit hesitant about since they shoot through Forge peices, but still think this should play rather well when I give it a go. :D
  18. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thankz for the comments. If you like this map you should also see my Mustafar remake, just sayin lol. Also download the gametype because the gauss can be a little overpowered without the correct gametype but shouldnt be too overpowered if you decide not to...
  19. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    I agree with Matty. It's good to see gauss hogs, shame so many hate on them because of the shoot through blocks glitch.

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