Invasion: Operation W1n

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rboneal3, May 27, 2011.

  1. Rboneal3

    Rboneal3 Forerunner

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    This is my first invasion map I have made. My friends and I played it when I first made it and they seemed to enjoy it. You will need the custom game type called myinvasion on my file share. Or you can just play invasion on it. The only difference is that the first phase is an assault phase on myinvasion. Otherwise, the invasion game type has to territory phases. Either way I hope you enjoy it. Thank you!

    Phase 1

    If you use the myinvasion game type then you will arm a bomb at the first defense wall. Otherwise it will just be a territory objective.

    For attacking team, there are two needle rifles and two plasma grenades that spawn with cover after 20 seconds.

    For defending team, there are two DMRs that have a respawn time of 45 seconds with one extra clip and are positioned on the wall on either side.


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    Phase 2

    In phase two you will have to control a territory at the end of lion king-like extension. If you capture the territory a bridge will appear to the third phase.

    For the attacking team there are two needle rifles and two plasma grenades. The rifles are set to a 45 second respawn and the grenades to 20 seconds. Also there is a fuel rod cannon with a 60 second respawn.

    For the defending team there is a spartan laser with a 75 second respawn and a DMR with a 45 second respawn with one extra clip.


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    Phase 3

    In phase three you will have to get the core out of the base and take it across the field to a base up on the mountain side to capture it. There is a sniper rifle on the far edge past the base to the left. Also there is a mongoose in front of the base that will spawn.

    For the attacking team there are two needle rifles set to a 45 second respawn and two plasma grenades set to 20 second respawn. There is also a plasma launcher set to a 60 second respawn.

    For the defending team there is a DMR set to a 45 second respawn with 2 clips. Also, there are two Mongooses that spawn infront of the base in the garage.

    There is a sniper rifle in the corner to the team that can get to it the quickest!!


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    Overview of all three phases


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    #1 Rboneal3, May 27, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  2. x SDIVI x

    x SDIVI x Forerunner

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    Looks really cool, is there only one objective zone for each phase?
    (2 generators in spire, but only one bomb site in urs.)

    Sorry, Im not good with my words.
  3. Rboneal3

    Rboneal3 Forerunner

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    When I made it a while back I had never really played invasion I had just read about it. But I know exactly what you mean. But yes there is only one objective per phase. The second phase is pretty difficult to get through because of the territory placement and defensive spawn points, but I promise you can get through it. I am currently working on a remake of helms deep from lord of the rings that has two territories in the first phase and one in the second. Thank you for your input though, I am new to all this posting stuff.
  4. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a nice, clean, simple invasion map. The aesthetics are pretty good and I like your positioning on forgeworld for the map. Are there any other weapons on the map besides the sniper or is that it? Same question for the vehicles...

    Besides that nice job, keep it up!
  5. Rboneal3

    Rboneal3 Forerunner

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    I need to go back and check about weapons. I am pretty sure there are a few weapons spread around, along with some health packs. But when i check i will see about weapons and maybe add a few more. It has been a while since i made this map so i cannot remember really well.

    But thank you for your input. Anything and everything helps.
  6. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You also may want to place cover on the map. It looks like if someone grabbed the sniper, he would be able to shoot everyone. You may want to take that under consideration.
  7. Rboneal3

    Rboneal3 Forerunner

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    Alright that sounds like a great idea. Thank you.

    Edited by merge:

    I have added cover for the sniper rifle and placed some weapons on the map. My friends and I just played with the load out weapons in custom games which is why there weren't any before. There are weapon descriptions for each phase now as well. Thanks for your input.
    #7 Rboneal3, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  8. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    Looks nice. But I think that you need to work on the decorations.

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