I was asked if I would remake my "Jackal's Bridge" map from halo3. I took a couple days out and set this up, just gottah finish it off and should be good to go. The new version has an extra route below the main bridge, hopefully this will improve gameplay for the map from the halo3 version.
Ah, the one-flag classic from Halo 3 returns! I can only hope it is as good, sans that choke point on the bridge.
Ooh... this looks unique. Gameplay looks like it should be pretty fun, and the uniqueness definitely grabs my attention. If you need testers, feel free to add me. My GT is The Psycho Duck.
I like the twists and turns of the map and how theres multiple routes. too bad reaches forge doesn't have sandstone objects because the halo 3 version was just flat out beautiful..
Its nice to see there are fans of the original. Hopefully some people who played the original can help test to see if its working out as well if not better than the first. The hill stuff is just a matter of not having enough surface area with the grass pieces to do much with them. I consider it more like a garden or some kind of moss on top of a bunker now. On the plus side because of the curved surfaces of the grass it is MUCH smoother than the old version. I was hoping to finish this weekend but will be too busy, soon after I hope. Stuff like that hill bunker needing to be removed, cleanup etc I've submitted a test version of the map to the Testers guild if anyone is interested in trying the map out. The map is meant for one flag CTF, but has also been setup for Invasion (Territories/Territories/Assault), Infection, Slayer, and Assault.