
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Locke087, May 25, 2011.

  1. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Updated May 21:

    Change List:
    -Enigmo is now stable the lag was caused by an assault rifle that appeared to close to a rock. No more black screen freak-outs yeah!
    -small change to middle building covers
    -Made some weapons more visible

    Created by: Locke087

    Map Screenshots

    Where the Loadout Camera is/Rocket Launcher (all teams)
    Bird's Eye View
    Blue base
    Red base
    Inside Red base
    Sniper Rifle/ teleport to
    Lift Walkway
    Middle Base Top

    Team Slayer Rendered (keep in mind this is not even half the game the teleporter camper got no kills camping there and the game tend to switch from side to side as it moves along)

    FFA KOTH I have made minor changes to the map sense these vids were made (z-fighting, save error fixes, removal of the middle fusion coils)

    Map Design Intent
    Enigmo is my only TS and one sided objective map, it's design, and building have have consumed a lot of my life. A lot of its inspiration springed from Powerhouse so it plays a lot like it. The weapons have distance measured according to initial spawn, It has dynamic spawning so there are no lopsided sided teams it is asymmetrical. 8-12 player is best. It "works" for everything but invasion, and race. But i only suggest it for Slayer, SWAT, Bro Slayer, Oddball, Neutral flag/bomb, one sided flag/bomb, Headhunter, KOTH, and Territories. It has no Lag in two player split screen now the rest is untested.

    Weapon Setup: T:Spawn Time C:Clips S:Standard
    4-6 Drms TS CS
    4-6 Needle Rifles TS CS
    2 Assault Rifles TS CS
    2 Plasma Rifles TS
    2 Needlers T45 CS
    2 Plasma Pistols T90
    1 Sniper Rifle T180 C1
    1 Shotgun T120 C1
    1 Rocket Launcher C0 T180

    File Link: DOWNLOAD

    Please Comment, Thumb, and DL
    #1 Locke087, May 25, 2011
    Last edited: May 25, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Looks like it would have awesome gameplay. But you have some nice aesthetic ideas that would actually stand out if you compressed the map into a smaller one. Nice job though.
  3. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Enigmo used to be more aesthetic pleasing but it was very laggy so things had to go but in the end the gameplay improved.

    By the way how much smaller like 2 v 2 size? The map would have terrible gameplay at that size I think. Thanks for the comment.
  4. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    No I think if you were to make another map inspired by this one you should make a 3v3 sized amp.
  5. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Interesting It would play quite differently if I did. A lot of areas in Enigmo are pretty small all ready ie blue base. I will try drawing it smaller see if can come up with something. But Its going to be a different map if I do it and it would be quite a bit down the road. But I assure that there is no way to build Enigmo to better looking without causing lag. Cause this is lag free
    #5 Locke087, May 27, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Yes but I see such potinetial for a small 3v3 map. I'm just challenging you to use structural and aesthetic Ideas found in this map and try to manipulate and incorrparate them into a much smaller version. If you do decide to let me now and I'll test it when your done.
  7. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am juggling a lot of projects right now and shrinking a map is a lot harder than it sounds. So I will see when I can do this. If you want to do it you are more that welcome I won't stop you. :)
  8. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Well I guess I could, I just finished placing spawns and finishing touches on my latest map, So I only have two unfinished projects right now. Alright I'll start on this project and you can take a look at it before I post it.
    #8 SquidMan33, May 31, 2011
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  9. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Message me over XBL not forge hub if you want me to respawn in a timely manner. My GT is Locke087. If you do a good job I would be more that happy to help with testing and pushing it for matchmaking. Make sure to say you where at least inspired by this map.
  10. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Enigmo is an asymmetrical map that caters to all gametypes sans invasion and race. This, as well as the fact that it is an asymmetrical map, gives Enigmo its little replay value. However, this is dampened by several flaws. Certain pathways and bridges are unnecessarily skinny, causing players to fall. Poor construction on the center bridge leads to players getting caught on corners that shouldn’t be there, a flaw that is evident in the games that revolve around a center objective. Awkward angles give players a little bit of trouble and add to the mishaps caused by pieces jutting out where they shouldn’t.

    Combat usually takes place in and around the center structure and by the shotgun side; it is often difficult to locate the sniper spawn. However, aside from the structural flaws combat remains enjoyable and hectic. While the map supports up to six on six, four on four proves to be the most enjoyable, as more than four a side can become too hectic and less did not adequately fill the space.

    The layout of the map seems as if it has unused potential, buried by small design flaws. The sniper side of the map, as mentioned before, seems out of place and detached. Due to the immense cover facing the rest of the map and its distance from the main path from red base to blue base its only use soon becomes access to the sniper. The sniper is soon enough removed from that location and moved to a location with a better sight line for sniping. The shotgun area provides decent gameplay and is the focal point of capture the flag games. As the fastest route between bases, as well as the fastest access to any power weapon, most action is centered here and in the bases during objective games where base assault applies. During slayer games the middle area, as it should, contains the most action, mostly for control of the rockets and map dominance. Slightly more action centers around the sniper due to its influence over the middle of the map. As a generalization however, the map layout was not used to its full potential and therefore was slightly less enjoyable because of it.

    Nothing interesting seems to inhabit combat on Enigmo, other than the standard Halo experience. While it is true that there is no game-breaking flaw on Enigmo, there also exists little replay value beyond discovering the different tenancies of different gametypes. The map does not really stand out as it is, but rather has the potential to be great. This alone unfortunately will not attract players to the map, as players usually have better things to do than reveal the genius in other maps, and would much rather play such a polished map or forge one of their own. After a few games on Enigmo, the map undergoes the same cycle most maps go: download, play a few times, delete. The map suffers from lack of polish, and therefore provides a slightly dull experience on any gametype compared to other forging gems. That being said, the map does keep par with the average map and is by no means worse than most others. With a little more effort and revisions, Enigmo could become a great map, but as it stands, it is only about average.



    As an asymmetric map, Engimo does have the tenancy to provide a slight advantage to one team. For example, the integral center of the map providing rockets is more easily accessed on foot by the red team. If jetpacks are available, the blue team will beat the red team to the center objective if it exists and control the rockets as well. A weapon such as rockets should not rely on armor abilities that are included in a specific gametype. As for the other power weapons, the shotgun is accessed slightly faster by the blue team but is easily contested by the red team. A teleporter behind red base takes the player almost directly to the sniper, giving the red team a huge advantage when attempting to control this power weapon. A weapon such as the sniper cannot be gifted to one team so easily with only the consolation of a slight advantage on the shotgun. Blue base also suffers from a height disadvantage when attacked, but this proves minor in most firefights.

    Structurally, the two bases each contain several bonuses and flaws. Red base has easy access to large portions of the map and offers a top section allowing for slightly easier defense. It has a height advantage on blue base and the middle level of the map, and has three entrances. Blue base on the other hand, acts more as a battleground than a base. Some cover does protect the interior of the base, and the three entrances are near each other making them easier to cover. This is balanced by the minimal cover and height disadvantage of any defender. Red base seems to have an advantage base-wise, leaving this map to be more balanced during asymmetric games, while the blue team remains at an unnecessary disadvantage during symmetrical games.



    Enigmo features a decent spawn system, and no major flaws in the durability category. Frame rate is not a problem at all on Enigmo, which could probably run splitscreen fairly well. Spawns only became slightly shaky in certain objective games when bases were attacked, as defenders would on occasion spawn in the midst of their besieged base.

    While Enigmo does not have a ceiling in most areas of the map, kill zones prevent players from escaping the map alive, even when equipped with a jet pack. All potential camping spots appear to be intentional and do not break the map in any way. Only slight improvements on the spawn system could perfect the already great durability of Enigmo.



    Little has been done with Enigmo from an aesthetic standpoint. Pieces have been left jutting out, and no theme is apparent on Enigmo. Several untidy phased pieced can be seen, and the massive amount of coliseum walls that border and floor Enigmo create a sea of gray. As the remaining budget and good frame rate can support the burden, introducing new floors or walls would greatly improve Enigmo's aesthetics. Aside from this, the use of pieces did not flow well. Aesthetics obviously were not a priority on Enigmo.



    Aside from being an asymmetric map that supports most gametypes, Enigmo does little to stand out from other competitive maps. While it does provide a nice asymmetric setting for games that use asymmetric objectives, that is the extent of its originality. No consistent aesthetic theme, no gimmick, no unusual features help to set Enigmo apart from the sea of competitive four on four maps, and Enigmo suffers in the originality section for it.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 5.0x3.0 = 15/30
    Balance: 4.0x3.0 = 12/30
    Durability: 8.0x1.5 = 12/15
    Aesthetics: 3.0x1.5 = 4.5/15
    Originality: 3.0x1.0 = 3/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 47/100



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