This is a fun racetrack based off the game Zelda!!! This was made by me (ducain238) and RLD HotTamale... supports up to 16 racers and is intended for mongooses!! Lon Lon Ranch: Chicken at the Ranch: Horse at the Ranch: Hyrule Castle: Inside Hyrule Castle with the Master Sword and Triforce: Kakariko Village: Fairy Fountain: YouTube - Halo Reach Racetrack: Zelda Raceway Pt 1 Have Fun and Enjoy!!!
Finally, forge art we can race through i havent been able to try it out with a a lot of ppl like in your video, but i still really enjoyed this on my own. good job on all the buildings and castle. it all looks so good! and i especially liked how it turns dark cause that how the game was but have u tried using the orange FX for sunset, then purple for midnight? or maybe u did try it and it didnt look so good?
thank you and it is even more fun with a bunch of people!!! And i did try it out with the different FX's....but this one looked the best because if you try to get it darker than this it is hard to race on (especially in the fairy fountain) and you can't see the buildings from a distance...also we didn't have enough money to put 2 FX's in the map... but if you like this map you have to check out my other ones!!! I make A LOT of themed stuff like this (star wars, lord of the rings, wonders of the world, mario kart, etc) and again thanks for the feedback!!
this looks AWESOME!!!! i love the zelda games, and a lot of it is like the classics. the only complaint is the chickens... they look realy awkward, like aliens or statues or something... but oh well, its pretty much impossible to make it more realisic. dl for sure.
seriously legit map is seriously legit awesome work I see that the map is named as part one does that mean there will be more? death mountain? zoras domain perhaps? any way I look forward to seeing what else you will create in the future.
Hey man if its fine with you can i use the castle as a competative map? If you let me I will give you props on the map when I am finished.
ok thanx I will tell you right now its going to be invasion...... if you want to know the story I have for send me a friend request at White DuctTape