Puzzle Lab Rat If you would like to test this, send me a private message, as I need some people to find breaks. Lab Rat on Testing Facility Base Map: Foundry As a test on the brain function of rats, an intricate maze was constructed as a path for rats to follow. This series of tests will challenge even the most creative and adaptive of rats. I was working on this map before the release of Reach, and put nearly 20 hours into my most magnificent and difficult puzzle map ever. When Reach came out, I had to play it, and this gave me no time to put the finishing touches on this puzzle. The difficulty of this puzzle is comparable to Re on Carnation, but slightly easier. Still, this map requires time, creativity, and patience to solve. This map requires some testing, as all puzzles do, to make sure there are no ways to cheat the way it is supposed to be played. Here are some pictures to get the just of the map (In Order):
Looks like a lot of hard work has gone into this map. Has it been tested? I'm willing to test any Halo 3 maps. Looks like you've thought up some innovative concepts here. Looks like good forging too. I would like to download it or test it.
Thanks, yes this was my first H3 map using ghost merging, so I tried to go a little overboard with the aesthetics although its a puzzle. You better be ready for a challenge, brush up on your skills by trying out Re on carnation by buddahcrane and using This walk-through if you get stuck, just so you can learn what some good puzzles are like.
I guess this is necrobumping... So, after months of PC gaming only, I am returning to the reach community, hoping to finish up a few loose ends of crazy good maps I had going, submit them, and see how it goes. While re-embracing this awesome community of forgers, I took a look at my previous posts, this one striking me the most as it is a map that took away many hours of my life. The fact that everyone is so stuck on reach that they cannot find time to test this puzzle for me makes me distraught. Please, I've tried submitting this to the testers guild with no prevail. So for anyone who reads this, pop in your H3 game disk and give this puzzle a whirl, you will not be disappointed. -JDB95
This map seems to have great potential, it kind of does resemble the concept of Re on Carnation I suppose. Being in cramp and tight quarter’s is always amusing when you’re struggling to make it to your next destination. I notice you implemented some ghost merging as well, that always easy on the eyes. Over all it looks like a challenging obstacle course. Unfortunately I can’t give it a run, until I purchase another console ha-ha...YM