AMESROOM1.2 By: KwattyMode 420 Description: This is an attempt at making the Ames Room illusion, using the forge world. This was much more challenging then i had expected. though the illusion is not quite yet perfected, you can still slightly see what the Ames room is, and what the illusion is all about. I challenge anyone to try to make and perfect the Room in forge, and post it up. Will likly be updating this when I do perfect it.
wow that seems pretty good. One thing I would say is that the window is a real throw off that it is angled. So if you can find a way to make it so it doesn't than by golly it's perfect. But for the time being great job! Oh and make the never ending stairs next
Good luck Because of the textures of the wall, its fairly easy to tell that its slanted. Id really love to see the ames room perfected :3
A couple things to try - first you could place a two-way shield door right on top of the collisium wall, no textures there. Or you could try using tin cups or something similar that wouldn't give away the slant. Pretty awesome idea, regardless.,