
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SAGA Productions, May 26, 2011.

  1. SAGA Productions

    SAGA Productions Forerunner

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    [FONT=&quot][​IMG] [/FONT]​
    [FONT=&quot][SAGA Productions is a shared profile for the moderators/admins of the San Antonio Gaming Association community. This was created in order for us, as a group, to be able to post our community maps under one roof. Our maps have been tested by members of the community and we appreciate any responses or comments that you may have. Thanks!]

    Hey everyone, this is Beastcake from SAGA and I would like to introduce our first map posting from our small local community.
    I would like to present, ‘Outbound’.

    (Angle View)


    Outbound is an asymmetrical four-base medium-sized map constructed inside the Coliseum on Forge World. The map was based to house a larger team (a 6 to 8 player team or a 4v4v4v4 works well.)

    [FONT=&quot]- Just a small history lesson, Outbound was originally based off an older map from our community called “Outbreak” from Halo 3. It started as just something we whipped up for local LAN parties and such. After quite a few projects and a full remake of it in the later life of Halo 3, I’ve decided to recreate it for the likes of Halo Reach.[/FONT]

    [/FONT]- [ [FONT=&quot]Due to some community feedback from my very similar map, “Mutiny’, (which didn’t receive a posting on FH), I added and removed some details and made the middle area much roomier and more accessible from the two main bases as well as giving it more protection from the sides. I also removed all vehicles from the map, giving much more fighting room. I also removed some power weapons and added Rockets to the middle. Outbound is essentially Mutiny v2.7, but decided to drop the version for the post.]

    I tried to the give the map a more “circular” flow – such that there are at least two paths on opposite sides of the bases which will allow players to be able to move more evenly throughout the map.

    There are four main bases total, RED BLUE GREEN and ORANGE; sized respectively.

    RED BASE is the slightly bigger base and is extended a short distance outside of the coliseum. I tried to give the map a little more ‘openness’, if you will. It was originally tucked up against the "open wall" of the coliseum but it made the middle area and red base very cramped, so a little extension outwards gives Red team much more breathing room and much more cover.

    (Red Base - Outside)


    (Red Base - Outside II)

    (Red - Outside III)


    [NOTICE: Some testers have noticed that there is a significant drop in frame rate looking inside the coliseum from outside of Red Base. This doesn’t seem like anything I have any power over, so please be aware.]

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot](Red Base - Front)[/FONT]

    (Red - Interior)


    I added a small sniping tower in the middle of Red Base atop the bunker to [/FONT][FONT=&quot]give the area more height, comparable to Blue Base and the rest of the map, which stocks a nifty shotgun.
    The middle bunker serves as a mediator for Red Base, providing cover, a health pack, and a needle rifle.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]


    The second tower off to the right of the image serves as a conduit linking GREEN BASE and RED BASE together. It holds a plasma repeater on the ground floor as well as a health pack, a ‘pro-pipe’ on the second floor, and a spiker around the backside,


    You can drop down from Green onto the second story of the tower or take the one-way teleporter from the ground to the second floor of Green.

    In the opposite corner from the teleporter on Red side lays a two-story sniper perch. It is colored Purple on the map.


    BLUE BASEis a quite the contrary to RED BASE. It more resembles a fort, and extends upwards in a swirl, connecting to the upper floor of GREEN BASE.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot](Blue Base - Front)[/FONT]

    There is plenty of cover inside the base but is a little harder to navigate if a height-advantaged firefight were to take place. There is plenty of ammo inside the base, a health pack, a few DMR’s and needle rifles, a concussion rifle on the second floor, as well as a shotgun in the small passageway in the back.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot](Blue Base - Side)
    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG]

    Blue Base can be flanked from both sides, the front and from above, as to counter the added cover they have.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]There is also a small ramp leading out to the right side which leads down to the ground floor right next to Orange Base. A concussion rifle sits on the ramp.[/FONT]
    [/FONT][FONT=&quot](Blue - Side II)[/FONT][FONT=&quot][​IMG]

    (Blue - Interior)

    GREEN BASE is a little more interesting. It provides a link from Red to Blue and also access to the ground floor. The ground floor of Green base has 4 openings, 2 on the sides, one in the front and drop pit in the ceiling from the second floor.

    (Green - Front)


    (Green - Ground Floor Interior)


    (Green - Ground Floor Interior II)

    The second floor has a drop pit in the middle of the three-room structure as well as the one to the Red base tower. It holds a pair of plasma grenades on the ground floor as well as an energy sword on the second.

    (Green - Upper Floor Interior)


    The Drop pit is in the middle, between the small walls across from the sword spawn.

    (Green/Blue Upper Floor Exterior)


    I gave the linkup between Green and Blue a Focus Rifle to counter the sniper rifle in the opposite corner. Since this perch has a height advantage over the other corner, it balances sides.

    ORANGE BASE is the smallest “base”. It has a small ‘two-room’ upper floor with ramps leading down from both sides as well as a passageway through the middle leading back to the “alleyway”.

    (Orange - Front)


    It has a secret compartment above the upper floor just right overhead the health pack that can only be reached from the alleyway by jetpack (or a well-timed grenade jump) that holds a gravity hammer.

    (Orange/Purple - Side/"Alleyway")

    [/FONT] [​IMG]

    (Orange - Interior)


    The second floor of the middle area extends to Red and Blue bases and holds Rockets right in the middle while the ground floor holds a Magnum and AR.

    (TopMid - Above)

    (BottomMid - Interior)


    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x7 Assault Rifles
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x11 DMRs
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Grenade Launcher
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x5 Magnums
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Rocket Launcher
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x2 Shotguns
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Sniper Rifle
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x8 Frag Grenades (4 pairs)

    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Concussion Rifle
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Energy Sword
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Gravity Hammer
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x1 Focus Rifle
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x5 Needle Rifles
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x2 Needlers
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x2 Plasma Repeaters
    [/FONT]· [FONT=&quot]x2 Plasma Rifles

    Please feel free to leave comments or feedback, as reception is key to helping us bring you more quality maps. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]We are currently working on a smaller symmetrical map, a big team assault/ctf-based map, and an invasion map. And we should have them out in the coming weeks!

    Also, I would like to give a shout out and thank the community members that helped in this project:

    FleshCobbler, GrizzlyChips, BlackSiberian, ElChupacabra173, mRglove273, dannyxshadow25, crazyd76, johnnyfkcraig, x Icculus x, and xDarkShinigamix!

    Thank you all! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it.

    -Beastcake (S01)
  2. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    oh my jesus, i live in San Antonio, Texas!!!!!! sweet map, a bit cluttered, but cool.
  3. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Looks good mate, not a big fan of pre fabbed buildings for bases, but you managed to make them flow into the map nicely, it is very busy from what i can tell in some spots, but others are really open and nothing is there to fill the gap (or make it intresting) looks pretty good, hoping to downlaod it this weekend
  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Huh, so do I.

    You should just ditch the lights if you're worried about the frame rate. They tend to be the biggest culprits.
  5. SAGA Productions

    SAGA Productions Forerunner

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    Thanks for the replies guys!

    Yeah, I tried removing the lights but didn't change anything and made the map look bland. So I just went with it.

    Also, its true, some spot might look bland because I wanted to make more room, it was very cramped with 16 people so I spaced out a few spots.

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