Invasion: Shoreline

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rogue Shadow IV, May 26, 2011.

  1. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Invasion: Shoreline

    Created by Arates II​


    Shoreline was an assault mission lead by the Spartans to destroy a Covenant supply. They had been deployed here days after the invasion of reach began in hope of recapturing this territory. The map is symmetrical and can support sixteen players max and a minimum of eight. Its design focuses on the players going around the island almost like in a C. There is a part of the island though that is completely blocked off with soft kill zones and one kill zone going straight through the middle of the area, along with gates on the two paths leading into the area. It will disappear if the humans win Phase I.

    Phase I starts off with Spartans assaulting the island from the coastline. They spawn behind groups of rocks in between the coastline and island and must push forward onto the island. Their goal is to capture of one of the two defense positions in control of the elites. The elites have a good set of defensive for this wave but it shouldn't be too hard for the humans to press forward. There is a single shade turret for the elites that can be used for this first phase but they must take good care of it because if it is destroyed it will not be replaced with a new one. Also for Phase I there is a soft kill barrier surrounding the rest of the map so no one can go ahead to the next capture points.

    Once Phase II begins the Spartans will gain a mongoose and a warthog along with a turret to defend their new outpost. Their goal once again is to push forward and capture one of the two objectives. The change this time is that one of the objectives they can capture is a Covenant Pylon, while the other is near a Covenant lookout tower. The lookout tower and pylon are both equipped with Plasma Turrets So the Spartans must take caution when attempting to capture either objective. As well, the Covenant has access to a ghost and two needle rifles.

    If the Spartans successfully capture either objective they will move onto the final phase to destroy the supply base. When Phase III begins the Spartans main outpost will have a new makeover along with two DMR's and a Scorpion. At their newly acquired bases they will establish a mounted machinegun and DMR in the lookout tower and will rip out the Covenant plasma turrets from both bases. To top it off the Spartans can find a rocket launcher with one clip, a sniper rifle and a mongoose in the vicinity of their newly acquired bases. As for the elites they will gain a second ghost, a wraith and establish a new shade turret at their front lines along with brand new weapons in their primary outpost. The Spartans goal is simple, take the bomb from the Pylon and plant it in the Covenant supply base. If all is done the Spartans shall gain control of this island for future uses in the battle of reach.

    Weapon List:
    DMR - x4
    Rocket Launcher - x1
    Sniper Rifle - x1
    Mounted Machinegun - x2
    Focus Rifle - x1
    Needle Rifle - x4
    Needler - x2
    Plasma Launcher - x1
    Plasma Pistol - x2
    Plasma Turret - x3

    Vehicle List:
    Mongoose - x2
    Warthog - x1
    Scorpion - x1
    Ghost - x2
    Shade Turret - x2
    Wraith - x1


    Phase I Overview


    Phase II Overview

    Phase III Overview

    Restricted Zone Overview

    Phase I Capture Points

    Phase II Capture Point 1

    Phase II Capture Point 2

    Bomb Retrieval Zone

    Bomb Plant Zone

    Phase II Human Base

    Phase III Human Base

    Covenant Supply Base

    Shoreline Flythrough


    Shoreline currently supports Invasion, but I possibly will add other gametypes to it such as Invasion Slayer and Big Team Battle. If you have any comments and/or questions about the map please tell. Thank you all for taking the time to look at my post.

    If you believe I should add or edit anything on the map here is what I have left:

    Budget: $1500
    Blocks: 56
    Bridges: 23
    Buildings: 11
    Decorative: 43
    Doors, Windows and Walls: 19
    Inclines: 86
    Natural: 9
    #1 Rogue Shadow IV, May 26, 2011
    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    cool. my only concern is that some of the fields look too open, even for vehicles. you should make more crates, or buildings, or really just anything. also, make some more cover along the paths overlooked by the sniper towers. they look WAY too open, and i could imagine a lot of sniping there, which in my opinion, is bad. you need to keep little sniping. thats all. =)
  3. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the advise on the defensive's I'll see what I can do about that. As for the sniper tower you don't have to worry because the snipers do not spawn till Phase 3 so they won't be of much use for either team. To be even more clear, there are no power weapons in Phases I and II, they only spawn on III and that's also when the tanks spawn so it should be kinda balanced.

    Important Note:
    I forgot to mention for Phase I the rest of the map has a soft kill barrier so no one can rush ahead. It will disappear if the humans win Phase I.
    #3 Rogue Shadow IV, May 26, 2011
    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with D3ATH EYE that it is a way to open map. I do love the bases. They feel like they come directly from the Outpost part of the campaign. Overall nice job, just work on that cover problem.

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