In the pre-game lobby/custom games lobby picture of Construct, there is a teleporter near where the Sniper spawns on MLG, whats up with that? Discuss
The teleporter in the image for construct in the pre-game lobby was part of the original construct map design for matchmaking. After testing they eventually decided to remove it from the default layout for construct. But it seems as though they forgot to remove the lobby image of construct.
I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was near yellow lift up top. At least that seems like the most logical place to put it.
my guess would be down to the platform that you can walk of the edge pretty much right under sword because that seems unused
maybe if you align the pixels perfectly, and forge a teleporter into the exact spot then set the channel to 11 and walk through it, bungie gives you recon
It was most likely in pre-build before they where using lifts, and someone failed and left the old picture in.