The Silent Cartographer I'm redoing them one at a time or all levels of the first halo this is the remake of the Halo CE original level: The Silent Cartographer The Silent Cartographer it's the sequel of another invasion map:Truth and Reconcillation Give it a look In this map the spartans have to reach te cartographer to find the location of the Halo control center PHASE 1 The spartans have to storm the beach Spartan Loadout Scout: Sprint/AR/Magnum/2x Frags Elite Loadout Warrior: Evade/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Rifle/---/2x Plasma Weapons 2x Needle Rifle 2x DMR PHASE 2 The spartans have to secure the coastline Spartan Loadout Guardian: Armor Lock/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Recon: Sprint/DMR/AR/2x Frag Spectre: Active Camo/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Elite Loadout Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Assassin: Active Camo/Needler/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Weapons 1x Rocket Laucher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Focus Rifle 1x Energy Sword 1x Plasma Laucher Vehicles 1x Ghost 1x Revenant 2x Mongoose 1x Warthog PHASE 3 The spartans have to take the core and escape from the island with the coordinates of the halo control center Spartan Loadout Air Assault: Jetpack/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Sharpshooter: Sprint/DMR/Magnum/2x Frag Operator: Armor Lock/Shotgun/Magnum/2x Frag Granadier: Active Camo/Granade Laucher/AR/2x Frag Security: Portable Shield/DMR/AR/2x Frag Elite Loadout Royal Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Needler/2x Plasma Dark Assassin: Active Camo/Needle Rifle/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma Gladiator: Evade/Energy Sword/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma Ranger: Jetpack/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Concussion Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Weapons: 1x Spartan Laser Vehicles: 1x Wrath 1x Gauss Warthog Thanks for your attention
Slient Cartogropher was one of my favourite levels of the entire first three Halo games but, even without dowloading this map, I can see a few problems with it. First is that there seems to be an incorrectly shaded Brace Large, and this makes the whole structure it is attached too look very ugly, simply because of the massive clash in shading textures. I would suggest deleting the current piece and replacing it to get rid of the wierd shading error. Second is the rocks you have used to block off the cave area of Forge World. They are positioned so that the same side of each seperate rock is facing outwards, and this doesn't look very realistic. I would suggest rotating all but one or two around in all 3 directions to give the appearence of more natural rock. Also, don't be afraid to use different smaller rocks to break up the larger ones, as it helps with the realism. The third and final problem is the room where Core spawns. It only has one way in for the Spartans, similar to the campaign level, but this can mean that it is almost impossible to move the core out of that room due to all of the Elites that will be camping in there, as that's where they're going to be respawning. Overall the map looks good, but with some changes to both the gameplay and the aesthetics, it could become much better.
the elites respawn in the core only on phase 2 (The pictures are from the previous version of the map)
one thing i would say is that an elite class with sword and evade is too overpowered. bungie has it as hologram for a reason.
Well, put up accurate pictures if you want people to make accurate comments : P Anyways, the comment about the Brace, Large in the first picture still stands. The rocks could also use some visual inconsistency. Another aesthetic faux pas I can see is the massive, unrealistic Shield Door blocking off the first phase. I'd recommend you replace it with a Soft Kill Barrier that despawns in the second phase. Other than that, nice map.
The enterior of the map room is tiny. Even if there are some long ranges, having evade would make it easy to clear those with incredible ease. I suggest keeping a class with an energy sword but giving it no abilities. As for the brace, you really need to fix that. It looks disgusting. Other parts of that structure look ugly too. The paterned use of 4x4 talls. The pyramid on the end. >_< I don't recognise the one way shields under that platform. I know that it's a clever spawn zone for the elites but they simply do not fit. Now for the good stuff... The first phase on the beach looks pixel perfect. And the hill looks fair in size. Congrats on making the platform so well too. And overall, congrats on managing to remake The Silent Cartographer.
I have seen many remakes but few get teh accuracy that you created, as soon as I saw the first picture I remembered the feeling of playing that mission for the first time. great job on the aesthetics and it looks like it will also play very well. 10/10