YouTube - Five Days Without Power (part 1)‏ YouTube - Five Days Without Power (part 2)‏ YouTube - Five Days Without Power (part 3)‏ What would you do if you were without power for 5 days?
What a thought.... I would get drawings done, I would meditate, I would go outside frequently, and I would also masturbate. I feel as though the last doesn't even need to be said, though.
For me, I kinda just want to do that. Cut myself off from power or something we deem essential for a week. How would I react? I really want to try this, but I know I wouldn't be able to success with it right now, at least.
Books, lots of books. At least that's what kept me entertained when our neighborhood was without power for two weeks.
I went without power for two weeks after a hurricane. I read like 3 books, completed the story for three and a half of my games and drew scenes and characters from said games. Basically, the two most productive/creative weeks of my life. But Texas heat with no AC is a *****.
Learn how to do a barrel roll without killing myself. And learn how to play some sort of musical instrument
I didn't play games. I finished the story-line for my games. Basically wrote out who says what and what happens when.