Chug-A-Lug! Created by The Abhorrent Map Description Chug-A-Lug is a silly map, complete with a silly name. The idea is pretty simple, and that's just to get to Rocket-Hogs from the starting location to the end to score a point. Of course, having just a single method to score can make things monotonous as well; so you can easily opt to pick up one of the custom power-ups and try to grab the energy sword for three points. However, neither approach is without it's challenges. While things are fairly simple doing this map on your own, throwing in some competition can result in some silly happenings. Course Sections The course itself is divided into five distinct sections: Part I - Starting Area This section is brief & flat, but both teams start right beside eachother - expect the rockets to be flying very shortly after the start. You may also find an endless supply of the custom power-ups here. The twin man-cannons at the end are not there to help you, they will actually send you at an angle which will almost always leave you too short a jump to make it over the next part... and probably in the drink. Part II - The Bridges Three bridges make for a suprisingly tricky straight away, with a stunt ramp between and at the ends of the long platforms. It's very easy to fall off before considering the other teams are shooting at you. There are also two pairs of one-way shields at the mid-points of each walkway, and they will push you down into the drink if you stray off the path were they lay. Part III - The Long Ramp After a quick leap over a few Kill Balls, the long ramp begins. It's at a steady 15 degree slope, so it will slow you down a tad. Each segment ends with a small bump that players in warthogs won't notice, but sprinting golden boys will be sent flying when they hit them (not a problem if you don't sprint though). Aside from knocking each other off, there are three main hazards on this section: a steady flow of golfballs to throw you off if driving or kill the golden boys, three downward pointing man-cannons (the first bunch you see) which will send you at least half-way back down the ramp, and an infrequently spawning Kill Ball (~30 seconds) which rolls down the center of the ramp (stay on the sides to avoid). Part IV - Standard Score Zone Riding a warthog over the man cannons at the end of the long ramp usually results in a landing upon the top platform. From there, the driver moves the hog off the top level, and into the goal area (be sure to pick your team's side) to score a point. As the hog despawns, a teleporter will send all players who just exited the vehicle to an area just behind the starting zone. From there, they can just take a second teleporter to their own team's starting & respawn area (if you managed to get there without a hog, or lost it somehow along the way, the same teleporter will send you back to the start). There is also a large quantity of explosives on the platform, but they're mostly harmless to hog-riders (placed in a way that they shouldn't knock you off unless you're trying to be)... golden boys may find that those explosions may stop them from reaching their exclusive score zone. Part V - Golden Score Zone It's a long leap from the Standard Score Zone (look backwards), but a sprinting golden boy can make it. Here he can find the energy sword laying on the ground, and with his custom power-up he can grab it and take it through the teleporting right in front of him. This sends him to an enclosed room with only three things: the two score posts (going to them with the sword will net you three points), and another teleporter bringing him back to the Standard Score Zone. The sword spawns very rarely, only once every three minutes... and it might be a bit buggy (doesn't show up as often as it should). How to Score Rocket Hog Delivery The most basic of method of scoring is to simply grab one of the warthogs and take it to the end of the course. However, sides on the course are rare and your opponents can make the effort to knock you off. The hogs themselves are indestructible (but will despawn if knocked off), and the players are rather hardy with an overshield and 1000% damage resistance. As such, your gunner and passenger (with their bottomless clip concussion rifle or golf club) should do their best to knock hogs of the opposing team off the course. The Golden Bullet By default, the player cannot pick up weapons but is able to drive the warthogs. After picking up to custom power-up, he is able to pick up weapons but can't enter any vehicles... but damn, he can run like the wind in his shiny gold armor (the sprint armor ability is limitless for the minute the power-up lasts). However, the golden bullet is about as tough as gold really is: he's very fragile (only 10% damage resistance). One hit from just about anything can kill him, and with his own damage output being tripled means he can easily kill himself with a poorly aimed shot. Nevertheless, without the power-up only the golden bullets can reach & pick up the sword and take it to score three points at once. It's a high-risk proposition, and it's not guaranteed the sword will be there if he manages to reach the end... but it could very well be worth it if it is. By the way, it takes 30-40 seconds to reach the sword (if you make a bee-line for it, no other delays) but the power-up only lasts for 60 seconds. You have to act quickly and efficiently if you're to reach the sword before the power-up runs out. Images An aerial view of the entire course. Driving up the long ramp in a warthog, dodging the Kill Ball. The golden boy grabs the sword and heads toward the high-score point. Enjoy this silly little map, it's all in good fun.