Hi dudes! me again... im just saying that im almost dune whit my map pack buy my problem is a name for my map pack... And if you want an Limited Edition just send a message to me! I will show you 2 of my 3 maps But i will only give you an sneak preview of my invasion mode for all 3 maps! But The 2 Towers wont work whit the game mode if you dont have the Limited Edition!! Here comes some from T2T (LE) But you wont nothis the fixes for the LE cuz its gone cuz of explotion on invasion!! Exited?? Plz send a message if you got an name for the map pack! And now just some small ones for the second map.. as u know no picks for the 3 map.. Here is about my next map/alot better! And now enjoy! In download link you will find the complite none Limited edition of The 2 Towers. Cya! Pictures may not work... ill try to set up one in case... No. Here is download for Spartan wall:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Mountain of War:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details And the game mode and my favorite map is in download lik over all text and chit! Plz sub and enjoy!
This isn't up to standards dude! You have an inappropriate picture, this is a double post and I don't think map previews should be posted here! You're going to get an infraction for this!
Dude this is 3 maps and yes its the same map as be4 but i have fixed it whit as less buggs and stuff as possible. And i have made it bigger and better so noone have right to infraction this dl and you will se whot i want u to se...
I don't know if you double posted this, but you should have just edited your original post (listed below) and added the other maps and change the title. Also, you are not allowed to post any inappropriate pictures/photos on this site. You can get infracted by doing this. Also, Mods/Admins have the right to infract you for not following the forum rules (listed below). Fixing a map, requires you to edit the original post or to make major improvements and posted as a newer version. Forum Rules What is This?
Ok.. ty! i need help here cuz im new! I was wondering if also somebody wants to forga new map whit me just send a message here or on xbox live my acc there is BlondishFiber0 [br][/br]Edited by merge: Dudes if you are gonna dl my maps dl the gamemode and play!! thats whot makes it extra cool on all 3 maps!