Looking for Body actors for a machinima

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Absolute WarGod, May 9, 2011.

  1. Absolute WarGod

    Absolute WarGod Forerunner

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    YouTube - Reclamation Episode One (Halo Reach Machinima)

    Hey everyone I am part of a new machinima company named Bee Town Productions. we already have one episode uploaded which is posted above. We are currently looking for more actors, both body and possibly voice who are serious about showing up when its filming time.

    All of the spartan roles have been taken but every story has room to grow so if you're a high enough level and you have a good working computer microphone then I'm sure we can easily find a way to get a new character into the mix. So please if you are interested leave a reply and I will definetly get back to you. Also male or female anyone is welcome.
    #1 Absolute WarGod, May 9, 2011
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  2. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    Im kind of iffy on this one. It has a lot of potential, I would't mind being a body actor. I can show up probably every weekend for four weeks (until schoolz over). I wouldn't mind playing the role of a main elite character ;) lol. aAnyways if that works for you or if you have any questions just let me know.
  3. Absolute WarGod

    Absolute WarGod Forerunner

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    absolutely there are many elite positions open, add me on xbl live, we'll talk
  4. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    Lol ok, it'll have to be this weekend. And also, I had to turn up my volume a LOT watching this vid, perhaps editing the audio a little differently on the next episode. Anywho that's it for now.
  5. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    This looks like it could have some potential, but it needs some work. Overall things need to be a bit more organized (avoiding shots of land mine(s) under the warthog for instance). The voice acting wasn't the worst I've heard, but it was relatively flat and seemed to lack emotion. It sounded like the voice actors were simply reading their lines with their only focus being on fluidity and enunciation (that's good).

    Depending on how you gather the audio for the voice acting, I could maybe help in that area. Unless you feel like renewing my gold subscription :)lol:), then all I can do is contribute another male voice. If that's still an option then I wouldn't be able to do anything for another week or so (I need to focus on my finals and getting my **** packed up to go home).
  6. Absolute WarGod

    Absolute WarGod Forerunner

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    yeah we had a bit of a problem with audio and we won't be filming again this weekend though.

    Thanks for the offer Angel and yeah id love to renew tyour gold but i got no money, lol. that first episode was shot months ago when we didnt have too many actors and since then we've gotten many more, our filming is more organized and we're workng on fixing the audio problems
  7. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    The issue is the way you portray the characters. As a video comment said, Elites are just dumb. If you really want intense battle, you're gonna want to show some more realistic battles. Elites should utilize Evade as well as pace their fire rather than just spamming shots.

    I don't mind the sound, but the above post is correct. The sound is rather, bland. Still, very good for a first episode. Some major battles would be nice later on, though.
  8. Absolute WarGod

    Absolute WarGod Forerunner

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    thanks for the criticism it helps us narrow down on what we need to do. and this was done a while ago before we were more organized and with more actors so its not as good as it could be, the editor was too busy beforehand to releease it until a few weeks ago. though lately we've had a few problems with people showing up so i decided we could use even more to ensure we always had enough when it's time to film.
  9. Itz Bullistik

    Itz Bullistik Forerunner

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    Speaking of criticism.

    From one Machinima Creator to another, i'm pleased with your work.
    Looking forward to more episodes.

    That said, you should totally watch The Last Dawn.
    which can be found here.

    YouTube - ‪THE LAST DAWN-Chapter Two: "Hard Clubbin" (Halo Reach Machinima)‬‏
  10. RabidChama

    RabidChama Forerunner

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    Hello! =)

    Hey WarGod. I was just wondering if you had room for one more body actor? I don't mind being a Spartan, an Elite, or even one of those funny little Forge-balls! =) While I keep my Spartan a female (mostly for kicks), and I use the Legendary (flaming) head settings, I am more than happy to change any and all of my Spartans settings or looks. It doesn't even have to be a major character. I'll settle for 'that guy who got blown up real good in the background'. I love an opportunity to try something new and have fun! And this seems like a chance to do both.
    I'm 19, too, so I have some level of maturity and can follow orders just fine. =)
    My email is dingoworld@gmail.com
    My XBL gamertag is RabidChama
    My Skype is also RabidChama
    And my cell is (505)966-6034.
    Please get in touch with me in any of these ways soon, even to turn me down. I hate cliffhangers! XD
    Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you do at all. <=)
  11. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can be a body actor, and possibly a voice actor as soon as I get my new mic. I have all the Elite chars unlocked except the Officer, so If you need a Spartan or Elite actor, just call me. My email is macnel123@gmail.com, my XBL is mackjr1234, and my number is (412) 606-7194. Contact me through any of those areas (I would prefer XBL or my phone, I really don't use my email much), so yeah. I can also write machinima scripts for you, or forge something.

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