I've looked through a lot of threads about spawn zones but haven't found anything that quite answers my question. I know weak spawn zones stack but is their weight based on spread or ratio? For example, say I have 2 areas, area A and area B. I want people to spawn in area B more often so I add a weak spawn zone. However, people then start spawning there too much. So, if I put 3 weak zones at area B and 2 at area A does that make it a 3/2 (1.5) ratio that they will spawn at B or is it a 3-2=+1 spread being the same as if there were just one weak spawn zone at area B? Let me know if this makes sense lol or if I need more clarification. Thanks for any replies.
I don't think there's enough conclusive information on the stacking properties of zones to be able to answer that question. My advice, however, would be to assume that the weightings are based on spread since that's a simpler system, and then design accordingly. The fewer zones you have, the better.
Weak spawn areas only stack when inside a strong spawn area. So just put one over the entire map. Ask stevo about it because he seems to know a lot about spawns. Otherwise jus test to wee if it works.
I think the correct answer is that if A has 3 weak zones stacked over it and B has 2 weak zones stacked over it, then A will always be preferred. The reason is that it simply has more weight. And once a player spawns in it, it will have yet additional weight. A weak zone has the weight of just a little more than one team mate. This means that zone A will go from +3 to about +3.9 (don't know for sure exactly, but close enough for this discussion). That will make zone A even more preferred than B. My tutorials may help explain this better. In one of them I talk about how spawn points being close together can have unintended results.