
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by The Muppet King, May 23, 2011.

  1. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like all other posts, I'm going to start by saying this is a symmetrical map. Now for a bit of back story: improv, improv, and some more improv
    . With that out of the way, this map has emphasis on the outer paths but still remembers there's still some love left for the middle. So far, no complaints on balance, fairness, or layout. I won't say much on aesthetics because, lets face it, it ain't pushing the envelope. However, I did try this "Contrast"(see what I did there) between both sides. One side has this mediocre attempt at modern art; representing technology. The other side uses rocks to express its more natural tone. If you didn't bother to read all this stuff, then enjoy the pretty pictures; then again, you probably didn't read this either.


    4x DMRs
    4x Needle rifles
    1x Sniper rifle
    1x Rocket launcher
    1x grenade launcher
    1x Shotgun
    8x Plasma grenades













    Action shots












    P.S. Blue team won with a shut out.

    I would like to thank:

    iTz Eightball
    iM x JacKsoN
    xArctic Hunterx

    For testing
    #1 The Muppet King, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  2. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    Yeahh man, im glad to see this posted. I truly love this map! The idea of natural and technology contrasting, is simply amazing. The aethetics and the layout is great. Let me also say the gameplay was astounding. No spawning or frame rate issues, weapon set is great, and I am glad you kept my idea of the window balcony and central sniper. Great job Panic!
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Hey dude, I cant believe you posted this map. I just remember help play test this map a few days ago and becoming speechless after I saw it. Great job on everything from making the map balanced, aestheticly pleasing, and an overall great map to play on. I can definently see that you took a lot of time to make this map and it has truly paid off. Great job man!
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Awesome, you posted it. I really loved the layout of this map I have to say. Smooth, clean and very free-flowing. I also like the whole contrasting idea you had for this, it really adds more creativity to it. CTF was extremely fun, so I definetly recommend everyone play that first. All around, there wasn't one thing I didn't like, except that I jumped right into a watery death pit, haha. Great map man.
  5. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wake up because I have no idea what sleep is, and I see three people have already commented on the map. Thanks for all the positive feedback guys.
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Whoah, immediately I see that the presentation looks cool so I know its gana be a good map. I like the half and half color scheme on the tittles. Well I like the center courtyard and how you combined the natural elements (water and rocks). The layout is great with muiltple levels and pathways that brach out and carrie you all over the map. The attempt and modern art is an interesting try. But I do like the whole one side rock one side metal type thing. Overall I see this as a great map. I'll Dl
  7. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Terrific map. Was a lot of fun testing this with you. Well balanced map and worked with plenty of gametypes. Aesthetics are also really beautiful. Great job.
  8. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Did this is amazing very well done, this looks like it would make a pretty good mlg map as well. I just love the aesthetics they are absolutely stunning, great job.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    Saw this and immediately had to comment, i loved playing on this map and it had some pretty good gameplay. I especially loved the layout of the map and the natural mixed with modern look. Just a quick question, any chance you can change the name from XpRz Govier x to HMSGOVIER in the thanks section?
  10. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, and thanks for the comment.
  11. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Contrast is a four player team map that is largely symmetric with a few slight differences in aesthetics that do not alter gameplay. The map plays fairly quickly with four players on each team, as it is a small map and players are never too far from the action because of it. This does help games stay enjoyable, but makes tactical gameplay a bit more difficult as the action moves fairly quickly. The map also supports many gametypes, allowing it to be played many times on many gametypes to retain a bit of replay value. Certain gametypes play better than others on Contrast, with flag variants arguably being the most entertaining.

    The map has four power weapons, which is a high number for this size map. All four of these weapons, the sniper, grenade launcher, shotgun, and rocket launcher can all be found on the line of symmetry at various heights and locations. While they are spaced out as well as possible for a small map, the four weapons are often very close and players can easily pick up both the rocket launcher and the grenade launcher very easily by running down the bottom middle of the map. Not only does this player then have two power weapons, but they hold all explosive weapons on the map. The sniper lies in a small room extending out from the top balcony and the shotgun lies just outside the room, allowing players to make a similar move and collect both of these power weapons in a short period of time. This high concentration of power weapons is also amplified by relatively small spawn times for the grenade launcher and shotgun. This frenzy to grab and use power weapons detracts from the gameplay, as the high availability of the weapons provides for a disproportionately large advantage to a team that collect two weapons using the methods described above. This definitely can frustrate players who may die within seconds of spawning due to a frenzy of power weapons.

    Aside from the power weapons, Contrast provides for a very fun, fast-paced game especially for capture the flag, territories, or stockpile. The layout seems built with such flag variants in mind and does a great job supporting fun gameplay with these variants. A flag pull in capture the flag requires a team to coordinate, as the difficulty in getting the flag out of the enemy base is just right. The base layouts seem great locations to support stockpile drop zones and territories are very well placed. Players are never too far from action or the center of the map and yet the action does not seem to get too hectic for gameplay to become unentertaining. While other gametypes such as slayer work on this map, the layout of the bases and various pathways around the map seem more suited for flag games, which the map runs very smoothly.



    As a symmetric map, Contrast offers very balanced gameplay and neither team is at an unfair advantage. None of the aesthetic differences on either side of the map offer any exploitable feature or imbalances. The only difference that even remotely affects gameplay is the tactical jump in the rocks on the blue side compared to the square blocks on the red side. Blue players may find it slightly easier to climb their rocks than the red team may have with the blocks, but this jump is unimportant as the ramp directly attached to this are on both sides is much faster, and the same on both sides. The only other important issue in regard to balance is the power weapons, which has already been touched upon. The control of power weapons is a disproportionate advantage for a smaller map such as Contrast. While the advantage is great, both teams do have a fair chance at grabbing these weapons and both sides are technically even, though a power weapon rebalance would definitely improve the otherwise great balance.



    Contrast is impossible to escape as most maps in Halo: Reach are thanks to kill zones that stop players from leaving the map. Most other issues such as frame rate are nonexistent on Contrast, but one problem does certainly exist. Spawning issues can negatively affect gameplay on Contrast. Not enough spawn points are placed on the map, leaving players to frequently spawn away from their entire team. Also due to the low density of spawn points, player may find themselves spawning in the same few areas again and again. Contrast has a spawn system that does not seem to be geared toward the gametypes the map plays best. Only very small influencers attempt to spawn players on their side of the map and a lucky player may even spawn right next to the enemy flag in capture the flag. This is an unacceptable situation in capture the flag, and could be fixed with the addition of more spawn zones. The very slight influences that currently exist give the map the illusion of having a dynamic spawn system, which should never occur in flag games. Aside from this spawning issue, the map does not seem to have any other durability issues.



    The aesthetics on Contrast are definitely and defining feature of the map. The map features the aesthetic theme of technology as opposed to nature, and uses that to help orient players. While this does a great job once player figure out which team is on the rocky side and which is on the metal side, it could be assisted by the introduction of more color. The base areas for each team still consist of pieces that are neutral white, which is disorienting. Nothing in the main base of each team differentiates it from that of the other team, which is disorienting for players. The introduction of color and possibly more use of the theme of technology opposed to nature could greatly benefit these areas of the map. Aside from this small issue, the map is quite clean looking and very well forged. The map is very nice to look at and offers for a theme that most maps do not offer.



    The defining feature of Contrast appears to be its theme of technology against nature. This offers a nice change from the standard competitive map consisting of metal and few distinctions of teams aside from colors. From a gameplay perspective, the map does not do anything groundbreaking, but the hectic gameplay and clean aesthetic theme make it a more memorable map than most competitive maps.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 7.0x3.0 = 21/30
    Balance: 8.0x3.0 = 24/30
    Durability: 6.0x1.5 = 9/15
    Aesthetics: 8.0x1.5 = 12/15
    Originality: 7.0x1.0 = 7/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 73/100



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  12. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Hey Career just a heads up, the download link was not working for me!
  13. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the heads up, it is now fixed.

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