Hello! My name is GamerDirector, I realize none of you will recognize the name due to my content not being published, and I am writing a Machinima Series. So far the cast seems to love the story. Everything is perfect, the camera angles, the music, the voices, except for one thing: The Scenery! I need a couple of maps so everyone feel free to pitch in! I need: 1. An investigation room: First scene, I prefer that it be on a map that has computers in it. If it helps this room takes place in the antagonist re-search Facility in case you want to create the outside too!) 2. A Speech Room: Please include an obvious opaque door where a character would have come from. There will need to be a high point where someone gives the speech, and a place where the military listens to him. There will also need to be another opaque door that will lead to another map. To make an opaque door I tend to just merge a lot of "Double, Windows" together and they won't be transparent. 3. A lift station: I will need some kind of scanner where the people pass through to make sure that the people are from the military. I will need to falcons at the end that will lift of high into an unknown area. Try to make it very pretty and big! 4. An abandoned city: I would prefer that it be made on a big area that isn't the Forge World Canyon, Maybe Highlands? I need a building so if you could make it on highlands that would be really great. Add scenery to make the place look like it was once used by the military, and give some cover here and there. 5. A hallway: Make it look like it leads between the investigation room and speech room, make it look pretty! 6. A hospital: Have a bed in at least one of the rooms, and some other stuff to make it look medical. Make it look good from the outside as well! (If you need to use a separate map then it's okay!) 7. A sniper tower: Make sure its high up on a tree in Blood Gulch, again make it awesome. That's all for now guys! I'll be sure to update this for future episodes. Also please leave me the names you want in the credits. If you invite me to your game so that I can watch you as you make it, send me a message: GT: NT x Noble Six I will gladly help you with anything I can, and leave a message if you have any questions, I have full faith in you guys!
While I am sure the forgehub community would love to help you make a few sets for your machinima, this is the wrong forum to post a request in. These forums are for completed maps only. I believe this belongs in Halo Reach forge discussion. I will put out a request for it to be moved. Then we can get to work on helping you I look forward to seeing your machinima! Also, welcome to ForgeHub! I hoope you like it here!
Note: This should not be posted under maps, but a forum or blog. Also many of these maps you want have been made maybe not exact, but have been built.
I feel bad, I did not know this, should I delete it and re-post it in there, or will it be moved from the request?
Don't worry everyone makes mistakes! A mod should move it shortly, don't delete anything But no one else say it's in the wrong section blah blah, he gets it. Any such comments will be considered spam. EDIT: Alright it's been moved, let the helping begin
Looks like it was moved, thanks! Well I am about to get on so if anyone want a me to watch the beauty being made, send me a message, I will gladly join! If you plan on making a map please post here saying so! If you have finished one let me know through here or send a message to my gamertag. Please include what you made and what name you would like in the credits if you are accepted!
Speech room i'm no forging expert but i guess i can try and make a speech room for you this good enough for you? not finished quite yet, need to put a 5x5 block in the gap on the wall it's very basic atm tell me if you want anything else done with it thanks. if you like it i'll put it on my fileshare (GT terry 309) and if you want me to then i'll send you a message
Very cool! I would like if you could just add anything small to make the room seem a bit less blank. Also I am confused on which door leads to the hallway and which leads to the station. To me it looks like the the door near the unfinished wall could lead to the station, and the one way shield door could be from the hallway. If it is constructed in such manner I would like that the hallway didn't have the person fall onto the speech area, if this is not the way it appears I will need to take an in-game look at it. Very well created though, you are a much better forger than myself, I have to do some script-writing but if you are on in about an hour I will gladly join you and watch the magic being created!
it's your macinima, use whichever door you want the door at the front may be more fitting for the hallway, either ways the one way shield door is there for aesthetics, it's supposed to be a big screen, if you want to take it out feel free to do so, i added it to make it seem less stale the other door is on the left of the stands which you could use for the character to come through. as for the details on the front, what are you perhaps looking for? speech rooms are generally spacious and i don't want to clutter it, i could put a few struts on the way in if you like and maybe some unsc crates, it depends of how you want it, cluttered or spacious. as for joining the match i prefer to forge alone because forging can take alot of thinking time and mostly consists of me moving one object back and forth, surely you don't want to see that. i can put up a youtube video maybe if you want to see a much better view though.
I see what you mean now, please put it on your file share and I will take a closer look in about ten minutes! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm afraid that by the time that happens Episode 1 will have been released.
I think it might be easier for the rest of us if you gave us more info on what genre of machinima you are making.
That's in a week and a half for me, so if you plan to have these made and shoot the machinima in that time frame it's either going to not be very good or not make the deadline.
I think that it is serious but not completely. Most things are, as the antagonists are the most. The antagonists have very high tech equipment, and all of the maps I requested are from the antagonists. They are being funded by the UNSC. Most things in this Machinima are taken as events that happen in the future on an undiscovered planet, however some of the characters add comic relief. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If you can make something that looks cool I can take it, due to no one having offered the lift station. I can help you with anything, I have a very open schedule most of the time. If you tell me what you want me to move in the game I think I may be able to help.
If I have time, I will help make something or another. Either that or I'll help someone else work on something
I have a pre-existing map I've made that may fit your city role; however, it's in Forgeworld but outside the canyon. (I'll tweak it a bit to make it feel more "military" if needed).