Battle Peak

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SH1FTY, May 20, 2011.

  1. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    Battle Peak is my first Big Team Battle map I have made in reach. I usually spend most of my time Forging smaller MLG and FFA styled maps, so Forging Battle Peak was defiantly a fun and different experience.

    The overall design for Battle Peak was designed around the concepts of competitive play. I wanted Battle Peak to for fill a role of medium to large scale battles while still maintaining some close combat aspects that many of us love.

    Battle Peak is optimized for medium sized vehicular battles. I wanted to somewhat recreate the gameplay of standoff in Halo 3 with regards to vehicles, but still allow for person to person gun fights to not be overwhelmed by the warthogs on the map.

    One of my main objectives when first designing this map was to effectively utilize the natural surroundings, and to try and make the majority of the placed objects feel as though they fit into the natural scenery.

    Weapons :

    • Rockets: 1 - 180s
    • Sniper: 1 - 120s
    • Shotgun: 2 - 60s
    • DMR: 8 - 30s
    • Needle Rifle: 5 - 30s
    • Assault Rifle: 4 - 30s
    • Needler: 2 - 30s
    • Plasma Rifle: 2 - 30s
    • Spiker: 2 - 30s
    • Plasma Pistol: 2 - 30s
    • Pistol: 2 - 30s
    • Frag: 8 - 30s
    • Plasmas: 8 - 30s
    • Health Pack: 7
    • Warthogs: 2 - 60s
    • Mongoose: 2 - 45s
    Screen Shots:

    #1 SH1FTY, May 20, 2011
    Last edited: May 20, 2011
  2. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I'm not a big fan of prefab bases, but overall this looks interesting. I love this part of forgeworld. I'll give it a download, and let you know what I think. :)
  3. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    The bases are completely unique. Only the front part of the base actually uses the Building room 3. They are also used slightly different to what people normally do with them. Overall I think they do the trick for the map :D
  4. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    having spent some time running around in forge, I must say that I do like this map very much.

    There are some things that bug me though.

    The front entrances to the bases seems too narrow. I feel like i'm gonna whack my head when I go in lol Also, there's this little nook that I catch when I hop up that strut on the right side of the red base. I feel like you should pull it up to make navigating easier. Otherwise, I have to jump like four time to get inside. And with the sniper on that side of the map, players might be discouraged to even try. My only other real issue is with the weapon placement. It took me a good couple minutes to find the rocket. If I had been in a real game, I would have no idea where it was. It is in a very logical place, but it blends in with the environment something fierce. Then theres the blue sides right flank. This area is extremely col and unique. There just isn't very much incentive to use it, other than for some additional cover. You mentioned that this map was inspired by standoff, well it think it might benefit to have similar weapon layout. Like, keep your sniper where it is, but move the rocket to the cliffs and add a neutral splazor.

    Until i've had a game on this though, I can't really say for certain. These are just my initial impressions of an otherwise fantastic looking BTB map.
    #4 FriedFoodStuffz, May 20, 2011
    Last edited: May 20, 2011
  5. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    Thanks for the feedback. I understand where you are coming from with relation to not being able to find the rockets straight away. I myself had the same problem with most of the weapons on Tempest lol. The weapon layout is all subject to change as well as all other aspects of the map once I get some more playtests done :D
  6. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    This looks like a really fun BTB map. I love the use of natural and artificial items to make the map come together. You have some really unique looking structures, a good layout, and a nice weapon set. Try to include spawn times for your weapons though in your post. Really cool map though.
  7. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    I completely forgot about weapon times when I posted the map, thanks for reminding me. I am planning on getting some customs up and running soon to try and refine the map slightly more, plus I need to work on adding some more gametypes.
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    This map looks very nice in aesthetic value and very good for a first btb map...The use of the natural and the metallic objects on the map does a nice job of adding to the appeal of the map and would add more cover to the map so the gameplay increases in doing so. Also I like how you used the objects and built around this area of forge world to make a unquie area to play on. The buildings Im not to sure about because the use of pre-made but the way you forged around them is very nice and adds a touch of your own forging style which in turn leads me to appreacate what you did. Overall a nice map with a good halo 3 feel to it...very nice.
  9. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    Thanks for the feedback, the whole Idea of the map was to basically let the natural environment play the role of cover for the map, just like many of the great previous halo BTB maps. I didn't want to ruin the flow of the map with too many buildings or constructed areas, I wanted to keep things simple, and let the gameplay speak for itself.
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I found most of the map to be well designed and fairly well implemented, however there were a few issues:
    -Vehicles drove pretty well, but the rocky path looping back to the one side was so skinny and bumpy that driving through there was frustrating and potentially deadly if the other team was up on the bluff. I feel the rock built area drove well enough, but I don't know what you could do about that skinny path, it's just impractical
    -When driving through the canyon side base towards the sniper side of the map, you come out and basically hit a rocky wall, which you don't have enough time to avoid. This could be alleviated with a ramp. The other way through and the other base were fine though, very cool bases by the way.

    Honestly, I like the rest of the map, it seems like it should play well and has decent driving paths besides what I mentioned before. If those are really an issue, remember that your map really isn't that big, and you might want to consider cutting the Hogs for Ghosts. I know it may seem blasphemous, it did to me when I had to cut them on one of my maps about this size, but in the end Hogs need a LOT more space to work well than here, and a really good circuit to drive around without many bumps. Ghosts will handle the terrain better, fit better in smaller spaces, and be able to splatter players more easily, which is good because I feel there is enough cover that unless the Hog is right out in the open middle area of the map players can hide too easily from its turret fire. There's my 2 cents on map design, hope the map works out, it's already awesome now but I'd like to see it at it's full potential!
  11. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    I know what you mean with that rocky path, unfortunately there are some rocks around there that are built into the map :( I could try swaping out the warthogs for ghosts in a playtest and see if the changes are better, I do understand that warthogs in reach do need alot more room to move and my map is slightly on the small side for a BTB map. However I do think that squad sized games on this map could be a hell of a lot of fun, as well as team snipers :D.
  12. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    So, I just posted in your preview thread, becuase I have no idea how to find maps. Heres what I said:

    "Holy ****, this took me forever to find. All along, it was still being tested. Normally each day I test out maps, look at them, blah blah see if their fun for big custom game lobbies (hence I'm a TGIF host). This map here, looks great, aesthetics matched up in every direction. So then I played it. AMAZING! One of the best maps I have ever played with a large lobby. Works perfect with One-Flag CTF. I keep playing it and people really love it. I just had to find the person who made it, yeah, it was that good... and all along it was here. Anyway, assault doesn't work, just so you know. But other than that, this is beyond amazing. Can't wait until its finished!"

    Anyway, yeah I'm retarded. I think I may have downloaded the preview version, so Ill dl this and see if its better. Either way, its amazing! This need to get attention, everyone seems to love it!
  13. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks for the feedback man I really appreciate it! I haven't had much time to update the map lately because of work and other things. I will defiantly try and get an updated version out soon, with support for more game-types. That being said I will still need to test the game-types, so if you are keen to help me test send me a Friend request GT: SHIFTY time.

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