Kryptonite (incomplete)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sgt Surchin, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    so one day i was forging with my friend Re4nimate and he was messing around with different decorations for a simple structure that i was building. the thing he made made me think of kryptonite so i thought up a unique little thing to go with that. directly under the "kryptonite" is the sword spawn... but it comes at a price. if you stand under the "kryptonite" for too long it starts to kill you. the two corners opposite to each other there under this is a ramped entrance to the undercroft including a grid of blocks and the rocket spawn in the center of it. the man cannons on each side entrance will launch you up to the top level simply by walking into them. as for the water level of the undercroft, it may seem a little high but it is actually a little below waist level. the other two oppositely positioned corners provide a walkway entrance to two separately leveled bridge walkways. the lower walkway leads to a two way teleporter that brings players to a platform above the rest of the map. as for the center design above the kryptonite, the needle-like extremity connects to the upper platform. some of the recent additions include the teleporter which leads to the upper platform, walkway on each side which include the teleporters, and the spiraling needle-like centerpiece above the kryptonite... any input, thoughts, or suggestions would be FANTASTIC. frankly i would love some ideas currently on maybe some suggestions for layout of the above platform. i will most likely have some very rough designs for it up in a couple of days or so. now that our "little" wall of text is done, lets see some pictures shall we?

    red spawn:

    blue spawn:


    ramp to the undercroft and lift:


    rocket spawn:

    download link

    #1 Sgt Surchin, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    the way you phased those blocks together to make that cross pattern is pretty awesome.
    does it flicker ? i hope not. its looks badass.
    as far as the whole gametype and all that i have no feedback, i was just commenting that
    the phasing on that looks real nice.
  3. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    it turns out that nothing in the map flickers except for that star above the kryptonite (which was done on purpose). its pretty clean actually.
    #3 Sgt Surchin, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  4. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Well, I haven't actually seen it in-game, so I can't really collect any solid opinion on it. However, the idea seems very interesting. What exactly is your plan for the map in terms of gametype and what not? If you plan to go competitive, be sure to have many, but organized, ways of getting place to place (or base to base). If you want a more mini-game-type-thing route (Conquest possibly), then make sure its balanced as usual. Not really much else to say without further information.
  5. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i am most likely going for a more competitive feel and the main problem is the fact that there are no bases and the cover for the top floor is much less than sufficient. ideas on the layouts for the bases or maybe ideas on anything else would be good.
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a feeling the hard kill barrier under the sword will negatively affect gameplay. I guess testing will decide that for sure.

    The maps looks pretty awesome though. Maybe more cover up top? It looks a bit open.
  7. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    I like the idea putting the sword in a soft kill zone. I agree to Crypto nv, it still looks a bit open and I hope it will change. Well done for now!
  8. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    well the water levels are fixed, the framerate is minimal to none, and an external map has been added (connected through teleporters) due to the size constrictions of the map. overall there have been some great improvements from the humble beginnings (i.e. the map sucked and frankly i still think it does) but ANY [helpful] comments would be great. i would hope to get this thing posted by june but i can't make any promises (not even to myself (i am one lazy ****)) so any contributions of ideas will really speed things up. thanks.
    #8 Sgt Surchin, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  9. 12qwazx

    12qwazx Forerunner

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    Hey man, I saw this in forge when you where working on it (twice) and it has inproved greatly from before. I would recomend that people would download this once it is done.
  10. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    #10 Sgt Surchin, May 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011
  11. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm very much looking forward to you releasing this and such. I like the theme and the lethality of the kryptonite orb. However what really bugs me is that there is no gazebo on this map, if you want, you can contact me a I will build you a gazebo for a low price of $5 or 400 msp.
  12. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I'm noticing 3 things that have bothered me in the past. A lot of bridges, which restrict movement is the first thing. Second, you have large open spaces where people are going to get murdered because they have no cover. You gotta find a nice medium where there is room to move around, but always a place to escape to. Last, the flooded basement... It's awfully tacky nowadays.

    just my thoughts from the pictures.
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I don't have as much of a problem with bridges as how they're put together more like tunnels. Maybe it'll turn out to play better, but I don't like the idea of being trapped in one of those with someone shooting me from the outside. Of course from in there you have the significant advantage of being partially covered while the other person is almost certainly out in the open with no cover. The biggest problem I see is that there's almost no way you could spawn out of enemy fire if there are more than two people on the map.
  14. 12qwazx

    12qwazx Forerunner

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    These are both vary valid points. I think you should add some barriers on the second floor, on the first it is a little light on cover but you can keep it how it is. The bridges limit movement on the areas between floors 1 and 2 but can be good shooting points and offer good advantages. With mabey a couple ramps and a before mentioned gazebo the map will improve on gameplay an aethstetics. I can get on to help whenever you want but I expect you can find a good mix. I'm also wondering how you could test this map with three spawns..

    Tl;Dr More crap = Damn sexy
  15. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    well those really only identify the problem... i guess i'll replace the bridges to have less cover and add some cover on the middle section. as for the water, would you rather have the floor be a grid? it's a lot cleaner with the water there IMO.
  16. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Hey Dude I lvoe the progress you made on this map, the spirals with the antennas are completely and 100% sexiest thing ive ever seen the rocket spawn assuming you can walk on water is the most pwnage thing ive ever seen. the dish and the antenna are completely amazement you definetly need to spice it up with some majorly diffrent floor, or atleast add to it, make the shield door grav lift a tower instead of a random floating wall. Caver the grass around the border with an incline circular small and make it look spectacular. I LOVE the progress you made on this map, and i cant wait to see the finished version..have a great day

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