
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by vrogger, May 22, 2011.

  1. vrogger

    vrogger Forerunner

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    Hey guys thanks for clicking on my post.
    this is a Post for my newest BTB map: Grounded.

    it had a few changes in the last couple of days to make it more balanced and fun to play on!
    i shot some pics of it and also a video of the map. Please Enjoy!

    load out camera:

    cliff view:

    action shots:

    map development:
    (sorry for my bad english... i'm dutch)
    At first i forged the tube/pipe things on the side because i know it would be an eye catcher for the entire look of the map. at that point of development, i had no idea what so ever about how i was gonna make the bases and the rest of the map.(just aestethic design).

    then i builded the 6 sort of *ramps* in the middle which made map control in the middle more important, and also did i build the bases, and yeah... at that moment i was like: the bases are quite open you know... so that's what made me build the secondary bases. (each base had one on the right side)
    and that's also the place where players start. (and there are also quite a few spawnpoints) because the secondary base was better covered.

    the top middle/house was one of my earlier ideas... but i didn't knew how to forge it in the beginning. but i quess it worked out pretty well with the man-cannons on each side.
    that part of the map was quitte open and every player has an eye on it (if you know what i mean). but that house also gives the player a super view of the map, so it was something to care about.
    oh and uhm... obvious fact: if there is a player with shotgun camping on the top house (which is rare cuz we can haz falcons)
    relax, take a hog and drive it into the man cannon: massive brain damage!

    that's really about it, just for you guys i thought i'd make a list of weapons and vehicles on the map:

    4x warthog
    2x revenant
    2x falcon
    2x mongoose
    2x ghost

    1x grenade launcher
    2x plasma launcher
    2x shotgun
    4x plasma grenades
    2x health station
    4x needle rifle
    4x DMR
    2x machine gun turret
    2x concussion rifle
    2x plasma repeater (just for our beloved brats!)


    revenant bro's:

    what if hogs could fly:

    just a picture:


    that's really about it.
    i've BTB slayer a couple of times on it, but then i discovered how much fun flag games were on Grounded, you should definatly try it out... and uhm: DON't EVEN THINK OF CLICKING MY THREAD AWAY BEFORE COMMENTING

    Peace out!

    Edited by merge:

    here is a link to the video:
    YouTube - ‪halo reach map -Grounded- action short‬‏
    #1 vrogger, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Well, I like the map. The middle structure is really cool and sort of remind me of sandtrap. I am very happy that you have forged something other than wall colleisums to surround the edges of your map. Overall I like it. Nice job.
  3. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    It almost looks like a frigate landing dock... BTW, it is a nice map. At first, the giant pipes seemed to be a distraction from the playing field, which can't be a good thing, considering how small the main combat zone is in the center. Then I realized that their purpose was containment, so I can't complain. I do appreciate maps that focus in on a single complex however.
    #3 Pikapi 360, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011
  4. vrogger

    vrogger Forerunner

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    thanks for the feedback guys! and pikapi 360, you gave me lots of inspiration for my next map with that first line you typed.. thanks!
  5. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simple yet elegant. I really like this map for so many reasons. Like SquidMan33 said, it reminds me of a green version of sandtrap. The pipes are a great way to confine the players instead of just walls so kudos to that. What I like the best is the flow of movement your map creates. There seems to be a nice balance between open and covered areas along with structures in the terrain.

    Overall terrific map! I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10
  6. vrogger

    vrogger Forerunner

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    does anyone of you guys know how to get ur map into matchmaking?
  7. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure that you have to win one of the contests that bungie periodically puts out or just get enough recognition through sites like forgehub.
  8. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That is a really cool center structure in the fifth picture. I haven't really seen that design before. I have yet to play the map so I cannot comment on the gameplay.
  9. raexe

    raexe Forerunner

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    The pipes are just plain awesome! A very good aesthetic design!

    Gameplay looks like it's gonna be great!

    Kudos to you my good sir.
  10. recon2246

    recon2246 Forerunner

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    i thought the map wasn't much till the video showed more detail so all i have to say is great job.

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