Verboden This facility was cursed with the blood of fallen soldiers as they tried to take over the elites outpost. This facility was plagued and nothing would grow in the desolate cave. It became forbidden to enter because humans believed you would become poisoned if you enter the cave. Now the USNC wants your team to enter Verboden and destroy the enemy that has taken this cursed place as their stronghold. This map consists of two bases many paths and an upper level. This map is symmetrical so everything is balanced for both sides. This map works best with small numbers of people like a 2v2 or 3v3 team battle. There are gravity lifts up to the upper level of the map. Only in slayer will the gravity lifts appear. This is to prevent fast ending objective modes. Weapon List 6x DMRs 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Frags 2x Magnums 2x Plasma Pistols 2x Med Kits 1x Energy Sword 1x Concussion Rifle Pictures of the map This is the overview of the map. This is the picture of the Blue Base. There is a DMR and a Med Kit that spawn there. This is the picture of the Red Base. Just like the Blue Base there is a DMR and a Med Kit that spawn there. This is the center of the map where the Concussion Rifle, two Magnums, and two Med Kits spawn. This is a closer view of the Blue Base. You can't pick up the Armor Abilities, but they do signify where the gravity lifts are. This is a closer view of the Red Base. The Armor Abilities switch colors to orange to signify that this is the red base's gravity lifts. This is the middle of the upper base where the Energy Sword spawns. This is the upper base near Blue Base. There is a DMR and a Frag that spawns here. There are those weapons on the other side too. This is the upper base near the Red Base. Just like the Blue Base there is a DMR and a Frag that spawns here. There are those weapons on the other corner too. Here is a picture of the caved in ceiling. Thank You for viewing my map and happy forging.
First of all, great job for a first post and welcome to Forgehub! I have downloaded the map, but haven't played it yet. I looked at the pictures, and I have a few questions/remarks. Your maps looks good, especially since you haven't used any of the pre-fabricated objects. The difference between the to bases is evident, which is important on a fours-sided symmetrical map (judging from the pictures). I asume the Armor Lock/Drop Shield gravity lifts are similar to the jump pads as seen in this video. YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 4: Jump Pads From looking at the pictures, I suspect that the Energy Sword is a bit too dominant, since the map it is quite small. There isn't really a power weapon that would not be super-powerful on this map, so it's probably the best to change it with a weapon that you can set to '0 extra clips' in forge. The Concussion Rifle on the other hand seems like a good semi-power weapon for this map. If you do insist on keeping the Sword (it's your map after all), it looks nicer if you set it up vertically by giving it 'fixed' physics. Also, do you mean verboden as in the Dutch word for forbidden ? Will edit after I played the map.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I made the sword fixed before but I didn't like how when players died it remained floating in the air. I have tested this map many times with people and the sword is the weapon that everyone runs to, but they can easily defeated with the DMRs spread around the map. The Gravity Lifts in my map I did not make Jump Pads ( though I was considering it). The reason why was that I did not want people who did not know how to use the Jump Pads to have a disadvantage. I did mean Verboden as in the Dutch (or German) word for forbidden. I'm happy that someone caught on to that.
A map that is simple and clean. Nice job. There's nothing here too spectacular in terms of eye candy but looks to be a solid competitive map. I will say though, judging from the pictures you provided, this map seems too small to host eight players. It would make an outstanding 1v1 or 2v2 map though. It just seems like it could get too chaotic with eight people playing.
The map does get quite chaotic, but that is what adds some fun to the map. You never know what is going to happen. Thanks for the advice though.
Very nice map, but try to fix the overlapping pieces it really takes away from its beauty and if you ask me I think you should you open up the roof and add some beautiful skylight! Well done map and good job!
The layout of this map looks great, though I'm worried you'll run into a lot of framerate problems. On top of that, gameplay can be really hectic. Don't set your weapons to fixed. There's a glitch with that property which prevents weapons from being picked up once they've been dropped.
Okay,folks ; Listen up! You DO NOT need to set the physics of a sword to 'fixed' in order for it to stand upright. Just set the orientation to 90* (or 45* if your map is angled) and orient it so that it's upright,then CAREFULLY lower it into place,then just let go...voila! it should stand up just fine...I do this on nearly every map I make. Oh; and word to the wise; German for 'Forbidden" is "Verboten"...not exactly sure what a verboden is.
Thanks for the feedback everybody. Seriously I thought that this map was dead. Nobody had posted anything forever. I would suggest anybody who hasn't to look at my new map Eclipse. It is 100 times better than this map. And thank you HOBO ITCHY you were right. It is Verboten not Verboden.