The Death Of the Dead

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by firedrone8, May 19, 2011.

  1. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I feel that in Halo Reach, Infection's fun has drastically decreased since halo 3. With armor abilities, and the ability to sword block, and kill someone with a sword even thought they already have bulltrued you, just makes for bad gameplay. Another factor is coloring. in Halo 3, all zombie maps were vibrant, colorful, and original.
    In Reach, maps seem the same, dark or gray.
    Evade is also the worst thing ever created.
    In Halo Reach, Infection ceased to be entertaining. Bungie killed it, so to say.
    I hope that at least some of you have noticed this.
    Another thing, Infection used to be the most played thing on Halo, but now everyone utilizes other gametypes, which are much more fun than infection.
    The downfall of infection can easily be traced to The removal of Alpha Zombie. There are many different problems, i just feel as if that is the main one. and I know that there is a new Alpha Zombie gametype, but it just ruined everyone's interest in infection when it wasnt there to start. and it is not permanantly in the selections.

    what would be good to have is loadouts for infected peoples. I think there are, but i really don't beleive so.

    Feel free to disagree and post your comments here
    #1 firedrone8, May 19, 2011
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    In Reach, those who play Infection appear to be those who camp on tiny ledges with only one or two way's to get there and it is extremely difficult to do so without dying (Im looking at you, Sword Base.) The new Alpha Zombie game is a fantastic add, bot for the game in matchmaking, but for custom games. Now we can utilize this tool and option. Other than that, Infection just is'nt fun online, but very much so with a group of friends. I agree with you Firedrone, Infection has died among matchmaking.
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Infection was the best gametype in Halo 3 cuz it required no outside skills and was very friendly to beginners. I know that I always played infection gametypes like cops n robbers, fat kid, omega journey and others.

    I think that in reach the community has moved on. I mean, for us who played halo 3, we expect a new, fun experience playing reach. To be frank, those old gametypes and maps bore me now. I mean, I would download them just to look around and remember the excitements of the past halo game...
    #3 Berb, May 19, 2011
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  4. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Ned... less... green...

    I don't really agree. I feel that Infection's still fun. It's just the game in general. Casual players entered and exited Reach. Only the hard-cores are left, and all they do is Matchmaking.
  5. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    need less green? done. And actually mr cookies, thats a really valid point. In Halo 3, the only thing i ever really did was custom games. They was what made me a fan of Halo. All everyone does these days on halo is matchmaking, or very noobish custom maps.
    In Halo 3, even the WORST, downright horrible maps were still good.

    In Halo 3, People made maps for gameplay, and the map always ended up looking good somehow.

    In Reach, The Only thing peopl concentrate on is Aesthetics. Thats what makess people download.

    And Berb, I know theyre boring now. Im past that. Im just saying ( wait, what am i saying? oh thats right) that the infection NOW is bad. I dont mean that We should all go back and play the old maps.
  6. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I don't know man. I still think infection is fun. Also if you look for it you can find a download here on the forums that allows the recreation of the alpha zombie. you should try looking for it.

    What I miss in infection though is duel wielding. It was always fun to duel wield spikers back in the halo 3 days. But I digress.
  7. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    And I do have the Alpha zombie gametype. I got it ages ago. But the spiker has gotte INCREDIBLY weaker in this game
  8. raexe

    raexe Forerunner

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    Although it's still fun, it's nowhere near as fun as the days of Halo 3. I hate the colors.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I don't understand how the colors are a huge factor in general. Foundry had a basic 4 colors or so (not including the map geometry-which is still mainly pale orange and grey) the green boxes, the red-grey bridges, the grey walls and the black fences. Sandbox had mainly tan and gold objects. Now we have grey, black, blue (glass objects), and tan-ish (rocks) which can be lines with any team color (red, blue, green, orange, pink, brown, yellow, purple). I don't see the problem with dark or grey maps because that is what people were always looking for, it adds a good feel to the zombie theme as long as it isn't overused.

    Aside from that, I think that Bungie needs to add in the large variety of gametypes that they used to: creeping death, braaaaiiiinnnnsss, save one bullet, etc... may have been somewhat mindless and skill-lacking, but they were very memorable and entertaining gametypes as well.
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I also hate that a lot of mid-power Weapons(Mauler, Carbine for example) were removed. These were very good for Custom Infection Games. Needle Rifles and Shotguns are too powerful in Infection.

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