Aerial Prototype

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Krazy Kilia, May 21, 2011.

  1. Krazy Kilia

    Krazy Kilia Forerunner

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    Are you ready for an all new map by Krazy KilIa? Well here it is and it is called Aerial Prototype. This map is a Forerunner key that is floating above the seas of one of the halo rings. On this forerunner key you are not alone. you must fight for your life to remain living on this forerunner artifact by slaying the enemy team. This map is comprized of three main levels. The sky light lvl, the Main lvl, And Ground Zero.
    These weapons can be found on this map.
    Energy sword x1
    Shotgun x2
    sniper x2
    concusion rifle x1
    Needle rifle x2
    Assualt Rifle x2
    plasma pistol x2
    Needler x2
    Spiker x2
    plasma grenaides x6
    frags x2
    magnums x2

    Main Lvl

    Ground Zero

    Ground Zero

    Vent to ground zero

    Skylight 3rd lvl

    Check out my other maps like: Precursor:

    Or First Hope:
    #1 Krazy Kilia, May 21, 2011
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  2. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice map definte dl
  3. Krazy Kilia

    Krazy Kilia Forerunner

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  4. raexe

    raexe Forerunner

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    You totally stole my idea!

    Nah I'm just kidding. This map looks very gorgeous. Everything looks clean and smooth.


    And yeah I created a map just like this! But I lost it because of the save glitch on Reach.
  5. Krazy Kilia

    Krazy Kilia Forerunner

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    Thnx and that rly sucks im srry
  6. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice use of space. It definitely gives off a forerunner vibe (I can't believe I just said that...). Anyway I would like to say that the aesthetics look very good. I'm not too much of a fan of the prefab bases but that's your call.

    Keep working on it, it definitely has some good potential.

    I'd give it a solid 6.5/10 nice job!

    Oh I see that you have it set for a custom gametype; you should make sure you put the download link up for people that want it.
    #6 Legacy of Mercy, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So I was open minded about this map and then I initial spawned facing a post and went into full hate mode. I wandered around pissed about everything but then found myself thinking oh that's nice, cool, very clean, so I'll start again from there.

    I'm going to be hyper critical with my opinions because I feel this is a very clean, attractive, playable map. With some of my points I really can't offer a workable solution. Please keep in mind I am UT/Quake styled Classic Slayer player. From that perspective I see no want or desire to return to team spawn points as there is nothing for me over there.(loss of map coverage) You have a minor Z fighting on the middle center deck.

    Now here's where I'm unnecessarily irritated for no apparent reason. I like the look of the boxes on the lower middle level. I however hate hopping 3-4 times to get on a ledge that is supposed to be an official walkway, or is it? I mean it must be because it has a proper bridge that enters a room that only has one way in and out and yet that ledge is virtually closed off from the opposing edge. See my problem lies in that you made the map too real for me. So now when I'm doing something that doesn't seem natural I'm all, "why the hell am I risking getting killed while hoping to get to a public walkway." I don't know a solution because it kills the asthetics. I had thought ramp or stairs instead of blocks, or remove the end bridges, but I'm not happy with either so I think I'll just use my frustration for killing unless you come up with some magic.

    Lastly the nasty massive checkered shield we all love to hate. I know it's purpose and I understand but I still feel there could have been a better solution. I was thinking more colosium walls but you used the damn things up. I thought large braces as walls or flooring but it may not look all that great. The best I could come up with was using spires. Either a jagged spire/sea stack floor or my favorite, if it ends up well, is a sea stack hole with sparse spires in the water at the bottom. A third more complicated and yet not necessarily better was a series of multileveled structures at the bottom of the pit. Either like multileveled cracked flooring or like a small town. Could be cool or crap.

    No matter what you do this seems like it will be a good addition to the play list.


    Edited by merge:

    @Legacy of Mercy, I don't think prefab base issues apply here as they are modified enough that they don't give the feel of the standard structures. Everything feels more unique to this map and not just another rehash.

    I forgot to mention that it would have been nice to have a some kind of minor differance between the drop down and canon manned holes. It's easy to get them mixed when you don't play it regularly.

    I was also thinking a columb on the left side of the opposing centered bases top floors. Left side of the rail gap. Since we're right handed it would be nice to peek out from the left instead of poking out head first from the wall on the right. But then maybe it keeps them sniper guys honest ;)
    #7 Preacher001, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011

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