So First off it's been a long time since I have posted a map and thats because I am not very active on this forum so ya. This is one of my faavorite maps that I have made, It's called: Spartan's Coliseum I played something almost exactly the same but in Halo 3, but I dont have the map anymore so I don't know who to give credit for making the original sorry. In this map and gametype you spawn with random weapons and the objective is to get the most kills and be last man standing. It's LOADS of fun and I hope you all like it. Here is a vid to show the map off. Well its been so long I dont remember how to put a video in so I hope this works (Remember watch in 720) YouTube - Spartan's Coliseum-Where Amazing Happens‏
Good map and fun game, but I wish you would have kept that design on the walls all the way around and didn't add the kill ball wall thing. Other than that very good!
@smokyminer z-fighting is when two objects overlap and fight to be shown on the same space but the engine cant decide which to show so it flashes between both. In this case the z-fighting on your map takes place on all the blocks surrounding the central ramps. You just need to use the fine adjustment tools to slightly alter the height of each block from the other blocks surrounding it so it no longer flashes
I'm sorry but this map has waaaay to much z-fighting. This would actually hurt my eyes if I played on it. If you were to fix that I wouldn't hesitate to download it. But until then I will wait for an update with no z-fighting on it.
The reason for the killball wall is cuz if u look at the pattern, and u see how it goes 1 cubi hole on the floor then one up higher If i did the same thing were the kill ball is then 1 hole would be right next to the other and they would be on the same level, Also thanx everyone for the info about the z-fighting, I feel stupid for not knowing that phrase, and there really isn't anything I can do about that cuz if u look and u see the water in da middle the floor has to be lined up around the indent circle with water, and any object even the smallest reasonible size will still z-fight
Okay I see what you mean, but then why not make that a huge fake door like most collesiums have. That way it might look a little more interesting, you could have a gated door and use the pin cups flags as the polls this way it adds to the illusion and interest to the map. I feel like this map can have so much greater details and with your skills I think you could do it. Anyways great map again, but I do wish to see that idea, it might clean up that part some more!
Thats a great idea, Ill probably do it, thanx Also I have always felt the same way, like it seemed so empty and plain.
Also if you don't mind me saying I hope to see you add some more custom game modes to your map, it seems like this is just to good to pass up and should have other new and different games to play with it. Also you are welcome can't wait to see the outcome of your map! Great map!
Hmmm..... Other gametypes, maybe, if I do u should help me come up with some and how we should make them work with the map.
The idea is interesting and worth pursuing but the way the floor glitches, always gives me headaches. It's just to much on the eyes. I would at least nudge the floor a little up and down to fix that.