Core Created by T3CH N9NE Supported Gametypes: Assault - Multi-Bomb 1v1 Slayer 2v2-3v3 Team Slayer Map Description Core is a relatively small map designed mainly for Multi-Bomb Assault using the "Blitzkrieg" game variant, but also supports 1v1 Slayer and 2v2-3v3 Team Slayer as well. Now for some background on the making of this map. First off, I'd like to say that although this is my first map post here at ForgeHub,it is definitely not my first map. I plan on unveiling many more past creations in the near future. Now I'm sure many of you have seen more than your fair share of "Castles", "Walls", "Fortresses" and the like on Foundry, which has caused many forgers to stray from the cold, lifeless walls that leave players with a bland taste of gameplay. Therefore, I wanted to create a close-quarters map that gave players a sense of heightened awareness, thus keeping them on the edge of their seat the entire game. There are 4 bomb plant points, the attacker's is located on the defender's side eat the end of the catwalk and vice versa. The 3rd and 4th bomb plants are located directly above the stairwell and below the aesthetic "core reactor". I place both the attacker's and defender's plants on top of one another, which makes for some fast paced tactical gameplay. The arming time is set at 5 seconds, as well as the disarm time. While the fuse time is a painstakingly long 30 seconds. The respawns are set at 10 seconds, with betrayals and suicides at 10 as well. There is 1 round, with 3 detonations to win. Also, the Blitzkrieg game variant gives players 150% gravity and no starting grenades/radar, to prevent grenade jumping out of the map. Therefore, you must use teamwork to successfully detonate all 3 plants. I spent a good amount of time and effort on this map, and I hope you enjoy it! - T3CH. _________________________________________________ Overview Defender's Spawn Attacker's Spawn Close Call With Bomb 3 Core Detonation Frontal Overview _________________________________________________ I'd like to thank my clan members in Waging of War for their vigorous playtesting and relentless feedback. Download Core Download Blitzkrieg
No one beyond this point had better post anything about correcting his post. Only one person needs to do it. As for the Op, please read the stickied topic as it will help you.
this map looks pretty good. very nice design, everything seems to be even and perfectly symmetrical and it looks like fun. good job!
yeah thats gets anoying rusty on topic: great looking map i have just one comment on it it looks like you could easly go on top of the wall if the proper varient is not used or a grenade jump or jumping on a dudes head or something il dl and try it out it looks great also
Thanks for the great feedback guys! I wasnt expecting so much constructive criticism only 5 minutes after my post. Regarding the grenade jump/getting out of the map, the variant was my last resort. Unfortunately, I used the budget glitch and later disabled it when I "thought" my map was foolproof. Therefore, the game variant is the only thing that keeps players from escaping the walls and completely dominating on higher ground. Im sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
I am a tough cookie when it comes to giving a theoretic handshake here and there. But this one takes a slice of that cake, and not a small one either. You, sir, have created a map that employs beautiful interlocking in a nearly symmetrical map. I will download as soon as my Q is cleared.
cool. the asthetics are good and the gameplay looks great. this an all around good post. I guess ill see you later and keep up the good work
Its funny how even though you guys all said it was great, I was the first person to download according to the # on bungie.
Thanks again for the positive feedback guys! Im currently polishing another map for release at the moment, Ill have it up by tomorrow! - T3CH.
LOL I CAN SEE PICS It looks great, I dunno about having teleporter bases though. Can't you just block it?
Great looking map dude, the core reactor is an awesome idea and it looks like it turned out pretty well. Gotta hate that nade jumping though... Anyway, looking forward to trying this one out and I can't wait to see what else you've done.
Hmm, I guess thats all the attention this map is going to get. Oh well, I can see why, its definitely not my best work. Thanks for the positive feedback everyone who commented, Im working on another project right now and I hope it gets more attention than this one. Thanks again! - T3CH.