The Forerunners, as gentle as they were, once used primative methods of water collection and experimentation. Welcome to one such facility. Welcome to Reservior. I really raised the roof on this one The fiction behind this map is that it used to be a research facilty that concentrated on water -based experimentations. The drains made sure that fresh water was pumped in naturally as the forerunners did not have too much advanced technology. This map is built for all ranges. There are some tight corridors for close quarters, medium-sized halls for medium range, and long sightlines for long range. Some explosives are involved but not as many as some of my previous maps. Here are the statistics; Sniper Rifle, 160 second respawn, 1 extra mag. Energy Sword, 180 second respawn. Gravity Hammer, 180 second respawn. Grenade Launcher, 160 second respawn, 2 extra mags. Plasma Repeater, 70 second respawn. DMR x4, 50 second respawn, 2 extra mags. Needle Rifle x2, 55 second respawn, 2 extra mags. PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK. FEEDBACK WILL HELP TO CHANGE THIS MAP FOR THE BETTER. ENJOY.
its a bit hard to get a picture that shows the entire map. I'll try using microsoft paint to paint out a blueprint and put it in the map post.