Grand Theft Mongoose - by Nutduster and This is how we roll - by Prodigious 7k I wanted to add one more map to my list: Museum of Humanity by Oakley HiDef.
I have thought long and hard. Without friendship influences, I submit my maps. Gallium by alreadyRogue Jia by Rho Breakwater by Jgarb
Those would be my top 2. I couldn't get a third vote, since I can't choose between BT's Analogue and Ladnil's Awesometown. Apartment 5B evolved aesthetic maps and made a truly realistic apartment out of it. I suggest everyone click on that thread. Even if you're not big on aesthetic maps, which I know I'm not, you should still do so. The attention to detail is insane and you'd be surprised how many things the creator included. He even put numbers on the clock. You just have to check that out. EDIT - Apartment 5B, my previous vote, was featured, so now I can put both Analogue and Awesometown in my votes. New votes -
Rhem by Atlasisshruggin: Vertis by I Neco Furtim I: Tyrant by Gazzaverage: Sorry I don't know how to hyperlink.