This is a map made by BlackHand111 and ScareCrow813(me). It is a Red team vs Blue team map. It will be made for BTB, Speedpile, 1 bomb assualt, CTF, Rocket hog race. There are two bases with a bridge sort of thing in the middle. takes place in the canyon. Hope you enjoy. Red base Red Forward base Blue base Bridge Blue Forward Base Bridge Red Base Blue Base Comments and Opinions would be great. Thanks for looking.
The bridge looks very nice. Does it serve any other purpose other than aesthetic reasons? The bases also look nice, but this is just my opinion, I'm not feeling the sniper towers too much, they don't seem to mesh with the rest of the base.
Thank you. The bridge has two machine gun turrets on it facing each base and the only way to get up would be a jetpack. The sniper towers allow for a higher up view if you are a base camper and the map is not done it still has to be tested. but i will keep that in mind. Thanks for the opinion.
Also, including with the machine gun turrets, the bridge is kind of the main focal point for a gametype such as neutral bomb assault, with the bomb being placed very close to the bridge. But yes, the only way up is via jetpack or flying vehicle. And what else would be put in place of the sniper towers? They were, as ScareCrow said, to be a higher view. But, by all means, recommend something else and we'll try and stick it into the map.
Hello, you want to think about braking the lines of sight on the grass, very large wide open areas no either side of bridge, also your bridge looks cool at a distance but close up its 2 bridges with structure inbetween. I'd make a bridge connection instead. Good luck with your map and I hope I didn't come across to critical
Can do on adding a bit of cover to break the lines of sight - didn't realize it was that open. And this map is getting very close to being done...the full version should be up on ForgeHub soon.
Yeah what my forgepartner said about breaking the line of sight and about it being almost done we need to complete two more game modes and a couple more weapons. No it was not to critical. Thank you for the opinion. ScareCrow813
Getting even closer to finishing, the map itself is done, and all we have to do now is finish off the the gametypes.
Yeah we are almost done but we need to test with large amounts of people. just friend request me (ScareCrow813) or my forge partner(BlackHand111) if you want to help test or just to see it before it is live.