After about 4 minutes in, I realized that all you guys do is complain about structures that aren't yours.
Opinions = Complaining? And what Homer was saying about the brick house was that it was against the rules. And to Nox, Registration is now up! Also, to Echo, He isn't a douche at all, he is quite the opposite.
The first four minutes of the video were purely complaints about structures. I'm not a part of your server, so I'm providing feedback on the videos more or less. Who wants to hear complaining, let alone join a server that constantly complains? You're an idiot if you think I don't know what an opinion is. It's even more idiotic that you would say such a thing when I'm providing my opinion, that is backed with reasons. In addition, talking about the breaking of rules in a public video is unprofessional. Jus' saiyan.
Hah, I met the co-owner of miningbros in an interesting Skype call, I thought I had recognized his name, did a bit of searching and worked out he was co-owner of miningbros, small world