Has anyone figured out what the man-cannon bug is about?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I'm curious about this. There have been a lot of reports of this on the Bungie forum and I've seen it myself a few times. What it basically is, is that the man-cannon trajectory changes slightly when you load the map, for reasons unknown (at least, unknown to me). I have a forged map with a man-cannon that shoots you up from the ground into a base on the third level. When I first placed it, it worked perfectly every time as long as you entered the cannon straight on and walking at normal speed. But when I loaded the map up a little later for play-testing, it would always shoot you into a box somewhat below the base, rendering the whole thing inoperative. I ended up going back into forge and tilting the man-cannon upward a bit, and now you always make it into the base - but sometimes you shoot at a lower angle right into the back wall, and other times you rub against the map "ceiling" and fall down short of the wall.

    I've also seen this on Valhalla, where usually the straight-on cannons fire you almost to the middle of the map, but then you load it another time and they won't send you nearly as far. It seems to fire you lower and shave as much as 25% off the distance you can get from it.

    It's kind of a pain if you're trying to design a map with precision cannons used for something other than a goof. I know it's not gametype or gravity-related. Does anyone know what causes it?
  2. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    It may have something to do with whether or not you have host, but I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time :p
  3. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Host is party leader...right?
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I don't think it's that - I've experienced this entirely on my own box with nobody else playing. I wasn't even on Live or a network at the time.
  5. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    Sometimes, but not always.
  6. d3v0nst8r

    d3v0nst8r Ancient
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    The bug must explain why each time a soccerball (Contraption map) goes on third from last mancannon, always lifts off at random speeds, which can cause it to fall back into the first mancannon, and repeat the steps that happened before, but sometimes goes INTO the place it's supposed to.
  7. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Then what determines it?
  8. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    i have experienced this too. I solved thie problem by just deleting the man cannon and putting another in its place. i havent experienced the problem since then. you may also want to try making the man cannon respawn in game like put a delay on it. this way the game doesnt have to load it with everything else, so it has less chance of messing up.
  9. Jax

    Jax Ancient
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    the ones on valhalla i think are affected by the amount of items on the map, the more items, the less the mancannon can handle? or maybe thats only with explosives
  10. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Nothing determines host. It is random and is usually picked for the person who has the best connection. Some people think that the host has advantages, however its not really much of an advantage.

  11. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I think he mainly mean the ones on Foundary, but yeah it might be the same idea. Maybe more objects creates lag and somehow throws it off.
  12. Esponeo

    Esponeo Ancient
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    I have no idea what causes it but I have experienced this problem. It is easily recreated. You'll just have to compensate for it.
  13. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    You think it has to do with the angle you step on it?

    Also, I'm sure it has some randomized properties, anyone ever notice how the radius changes of how it "sucks in" objects or you into the blue launching light.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    No I don't - in my tests I've just been running straight in at full speed. There might have been minor variations in my approach but the difference in the jump I got was much larger than that. Also it seems to afflict whole games, not just one jump - for instance the last time this happened to me on Valhalla, it lasted the whole game. Every single jump I did off the straight-on man cannon landed me well short of the usual spot. The next time I played on Valhalla it was back to normal.
  15. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    does it have anything to do with your gravity settings? i noticed a huge trajectory change with a slight change in gravity on narrows...

    probably not the reason though
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    The only thing I can say is that Forge is not an exact science. In my past projects, I've occasionally noticed objects placed slightly differently after I load up the map again. It's a real pain when you are trying to make the map look perfect and it loads up crooked.

    As for man-cannon trajectories being off by a tad, the same goes for teleporter launches like in my Tele-Coaster map. There would be some times that I'd load the map and it wouldn't quite work right. I'd load up another map, go back to the Coaster and it would work fine.

    Forge just gets a little screwy sometimes.
  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I avoided this when i was messing with just the grav lifts on Narrows... I found that if you have more than one person the lifts work a little less in game play...
  18. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Yeah, I've noticed this, along with Last Resort's innate ability to destroy anything I've created.
  19. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    I am creating a map right now where you spawn over floating man cannons that shoot you onto the fighting platform. There have been numerous tests going into making it so you land in the perfect spot every time, however every time we load the map up you are shot into a different location in the arena. Luckily you still land in the arena.

  20. Jmandaman8

    Jmandaman8 Ancient
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    well i haven't experienced that bug that different games change the trajectory of the man cannon. but i have done some testing for myself, and i have found out the the angle that you enter the mancannon affects the trajectory. like if you enter from the top, it will send you in more of a straight line. and if you enter normally, you will end up getting more of an arc.

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